For example, I once saw a man throw his hat down in anger. He didn’t stomp on it which was kind of a let down.

  • @ouRKaoS
    423 days ago

    Man… That adrenaline dump when something very bad is happening: senses shut off, you get “pre-death clarity,” and time slows down as you try to figure out a way of making the inevitable less painful…

    Too bad the recovery time for those few micro seconds of superpowers is like a week!

      222 days ago

      Imagine if you could activate it at will. That would be wild.
      I’m not sure what use it could offer but it would be interesting.

      122 days ago

      My old house had a steep backyard and I managed to flip the riding mower. It hit a tree and up up. It took forever and I remember thinking -“hold tight and keep the mover between me and the blade”.