I get it. It was really cutting into his roadkill-eating time and you only have so many bicycles in your van.

  • @tal
    22 days ago


    Who’s voting for Robert Kennedy Jr.?

    Who’s voting RFK? The demographic profile of RFK voters is fairly similar to the average American. There are no significant differences by race, age, or income, though RFK Jr. voters are slightly more likely to be women.

    On the issues, RFK Jr. is a little all over the place. He previously ran as a Democratic candidate, but at the same time has embraced right-wing conspiracies about the COVID-19 vaccine. His supporters, too, are a bit scattered on the issues. For example, like Republicans, they are more likely to view immigration as a top issue, but like Democrats, are more likely to view climate change and abortion as top issues.


    According to this:


    He polls best with people 30-44.