That sub is mostly pretty boring these days, but ocassionally they come through with a cringe masterpiece like this.

    • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️
      4730 days ago

      Meanwhile my claim that Putin is a nazi has to do with the fact that he is attacking neighboring countries and blowing up hospitals and schools like a nazi would.

      You mean, like an American would? Except that Putin has been treating Ukraine as softly as possible, and his intervention is after having tried every possible route for peace. If Ukraine were being targeted by NATO- like what was seen in Yugoslavia, in Libya, in Iraq, in Syria, in Afghanistan, etc. the difference would be night and day.

      You toss around the word nazi, while supporting and downplaying actual Nazis and deepthroating NATO propaganda. Makes you look like a real genocidal POS. Fuck you and fuck everything you stand for.

    • JucheBot1988OP
      4330 days ago

      Go ahead and provide a credible source for that claim if it’s so “Open.”

      I suppose by “credible” you mean “mainstream” – the same mainstream media that openly simps for Netanyahu and Israel. But even there, you can find it, though naturally it gets soft-pedalled. From a cursory search:

      Neo-Nazi torchlit parade in Kiev:

      Associated Press

      Vancouver City News (repeats AP article, but shows the event was widely reported on)

      Zelensky applauds SS veteran in the Candian Parliament:

      The Independent


      Nazi elements in the Ukrainian military:

      NBC news

      New York Times


      Most of these, predictably, present Nazis as “fringe” elements in Ukraine. But libs tarred Donald Trump as fascist on much less evidence than this; are you going to apply the same standard across the board?

      Meanwhile my claim that Putin is a nazi has to do with the fact that he is attacking neighboring countries and blowing up hospitals and schools like a nazi would.

      This is dumb western defeatism. Donbas is Gaza, if Gaza had a powerful neighbor who intervened to stop the genocide. And if that happened, you can bet that all the twitter libs who are “pro-Palestine, anti-Russia” would immediately reverse their batteries and become Zionists. Because in their worldview, the function of oppressed peoples is to die innocently and beautifully so we can all feel very sorry for them. The moment that the oppressed start to win against their oppressors – or, in the case of Ukraine, the oppressors get the loving shit beat out of them – these same oppressed become, in the western liberal mind, evil. It’s why libs love Palestinians but denounce Hamas and the Houthis, because these groups are fighting back.

    • Azarova [they/them]
      4230 days ago

      The Azov battalion’s emblem, or the 3rd Seperate Assault Brigade as they’ve been rebranded, is a literal Wolfsangel with a fucking Sonnenrad behind it. There’s countless photos of Ukrainian troops wearing Nazi iconography, emblems from the Ukrainian SS division, countless black and red Banderite flags. There are monuments to Bandera, a literal participant in the holocaust, across Ukraine and he is revered as a national hero by the post-Maidan regime.

      4030 days ago

      Putin is a reactionary, for sure. A proud capitalist. He’s proclaimed himself such many times during interviews and such. Calling him a Nazi is just ignorance at best, falling directly into Western propaganda more likely.

      I don’t like Putin. I don’t think he’s a moral or “good” man. But that doesn’t make him a Nazi.

      As for the Ukrainian military, were you in a coma for 2 years? 10 years? It’s been a well established undisputed fact by everyone, including the Azov guys, that they are fans of the Nazis, wear their symbols proudly, etc. This doesn’t make every Ukrainian a Nazi. It doesn’t mean Putin is truthful in his desire to rid Ukraine of Nazis. But you can’t just deny the existence, the proud existence, of Nazi elements in Ukraine and the Ukrainian diaspora. Like actual, legitimate, swatiska and SS lightning bolt wearing Nazis not just generic fascists. You have to be actively ignorant to miss this for like 2.5 years of war and troop footage.

        29 days ago

        And this isn’t even some vague nazi symbol, this is straight up based on logo of the SS Dirlewanger Brigade, one of the worst murderers in entire nazi armed forces. Those morons praise people who murdered their own grandfathers. Pit is not enough.

      3430 days ago

      Meanwhile my claim that Putin is a nazi has to do with the fact that he is attacking neighboring countries and blowing up hospitals and schools like a nazi would.

      Even if, for the sake of argument, that we grant Putin just decided to invade Ukraine because he is some kind of a Saturday morning cartoon villain that wouldn’t make him a nazi.

      A nazi isn’t “person doing something I don’t like”. Now if you say…are a member of the SS being celebrated in Canada you would be a nazi. Or a military regiment following the teachings of the nazi party and proudly wear nazi symbology. Or put on a pedestal a man directly affiliated with the nazi party. That might make you a nazi.

      • 🏳️‍⚧️ 新星 [she/they]
        1029 days ago

        I’m surprised you didn’t get a reply “Ackshually there’s no Nazis in the Ukrainian military because all the members of the NSDAP are too old to serve in the military :smuglord:”

      29 days ago

      The thing about the hospital is that Ukrainian troops have set up positions in or next to civilian installations in the past. In short: They take human shields.

      Another problem is the Ukrainian liberal use of rocket interceptors. Once they’re up, they will come down again. In the past this lead to one obliterating two polish people. Not too far fetched to assume that one came down on the hospital.

      Also Nazis do a whole lot more than invading or firing at hospitals.

      As for nazishit in Ukraine: The Red/Black flag you see in many Ukrainian pics? Is the one of the UPA, the armed wing of the fascist OUN, which aided the nazis in the holocaust, it means Blood and Soil.

      You also might have a look at the slogan of the Ukrainian Army, the same as the OUN which popularized it.

      You’ll also not be hard pressed of finding a ukrainian soldier with a Sonnenrad, SS runes, Galician Panzergrenadier insignia, UPA flag, Wolfsangel, SS skull and so on in every third picture of them. is quite the treasure trove.