For me, it the Cherry Bakewells.

  • @tal
    1 month ago

    Looks like reviews are coming out. Here’s Gamespot’s:

    EDIT: “…and didn’t find a gun for the first couple of hours.”

    Should have gone looking around the houses of farmers. Or perhaps those of farmers’ mums.

    EDIT2: Hahaha, there’s a tall ship at 5:44. Is that the HMS Victory I see? If Fallout 4 has the USS Constitution and Fallout: London has the HMS Victory, that’d be cool.


    No. There’s the HMS Dredge and the HMS Belfast. Looks like this is just some unnamed tall ship.

    EDIT3: Oh, apparently the Victory is, in real life, permanently stashed at Portsmouth, rather than London, so I guess that explains it. Oh, well.