Donald Trump is proving heā€™s racist and stupid with his latest post.

In a Truth Social post Thursday morning, Donald Trump appeared to suggest, again, thatĀ presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris isnā€™t really Black, ramping up his identity-based attacks to the horror of those in his party who consider racism a losing electoral strategy.

Earlier in the week, many GOP strategists, including in the Trump camp,Ā worriedĀ that attacks on Harrisā€™s race and genderā€”which seemed all but inevitable considering Trumpā€™s history of racism and misogynyā€”would pose a serious liability for the campaign. ā€œWe hope he doesnā€™t act like a crazy racist and sexist person, but we canā€™t control him,ā€ a source close to the campaignĀ toldĀ The Washington Post.

These hopes were quickly dashed in the course of Trumpā€™s interview with the National Association of Black Journalists Wednesday afternoon, in which the candidateĀ claimedĀ that, for years, Vice President Kamala Harris ā€œwas Indian all the way, and then suddenly she made a turn and she became a Black person.ā€

    • Nougat
      104ā€¢2 months ago

      Whatever the answer to that question is, the real answer is ā€œdumber than that.ā€

          2 months ago

          This is really reductive.

          I think coverage of him before 2015 is much more enlightening. One I always point to is the Market Foolery podcasts on Trump, where (TL;DR) he tries to sell private real estate to his public company at highly inflated prices, and hyping the market to buy into this technically-not-illegal scheme.

          Thing is, heā€™s good at that kind of scheme. It worked! It wasnā€™t illegal, just basically selling a turd. The Motley Fool saw through it (and met him in person to discuss it, which is what the podcast is about) and made the only short of their career, but still, people drastically underestimate Trumpā€™s ability to ā€œsellā€ ideas that benefit him, to their detrement.

          • GladiusB
            26ā€¢2 months ago

            The guy is one of the dumbest people alive. He isnā€™t good at anything but fooling dumb people. He is the king of the dumb people and there are more than we thought.

            Itā€™s not reductive. Itā€™s factual. Quit polishing a turd. Heā€™s a moron. He canā€™t even fuck a porn star and pay her without being caught. Heā€™s so dumb he canā€™t hide investment lies without being caught. He canā€™t plan to overthrow the government without documentation.

            I know 5 year olds with more wit and social navigation.

              7ā€¢2 months ago

              Iā€™d be interested to see your take on his prowess as a trickster as mentioned in the parent comment.

              Weā€™d be really mad at someone who designed a 3D printed nuclear bomb and used it on our families. They might be socially inept and bad at geography and have no grasp of international affairs, so kinda dumb in some ways. Theyā€™d definitely be very evil. But when it came to nuke engineering, theyā€™re evil & not dumb.

              I donā€™t worry Iā€™m glorifying the impeached ex-president when I say ā€œheā€™s good at fraud.ā€ He has said and done many evil things, including some cunning ones. Heā€™s dumb in some areas. Am I really polishing a turd right now by acknowledging a horrible horrible person isnā€™t entirely an idiot in every facet of his life, rather only most of them?

              Maybe 45ā€™s narcissism is indeed the bigger headline. Narcissistic, evil, morally an idiot, cunning at (smart at executing) certain scamsā€¦ if we just say ā€œnope bad at everything, 100% dumbā€ weā€™re underplaying how dangerous he can be, no?

                3ā€¢2 months ago

                Iā€™d be interested to see your take on his prowess as a trickster as mentioned in the parent comment.

                In my opinion, itā€™s because our systems are woefully inadequate to address even the dumbest of huckster schemes. Heā€™s not some brilliant dude for pulling it off. He just has no morals, no ethics, and no shame. And heā€™s spent a lifetime instinctively removing anyone who does from his presence.

              4ā€¢2 months ago

              ā€œThere is no greater danger than underestimating your opponent.ā€ ā€• Lao Tzu

              Your not acknowledging his strengths, which have absolutely gotten him this far. Thatā€™s a deadly mistake, one the Democrat part has already made far too much.

              • GladiusB
                1ā€¢2 months ago

                Heā€™s not my adversary. Heā€™s an asshole I would rather not exist and is the epitome of stupidity. He doesnā€™t have strengths. He bought fame and sucks at life. I donā€™t need to acknowledge him as anything other than the scum that represents more scum. And you sound like you support him more than you dislike him.

                  2 months ago

                  I donā€™t support Trump. I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything that could happen that would make me vote Trump instead of literally any Democratic candidate. Even that aside, I really hate narcissists.

                  But youā€™re living in a bubble if you donā€™t want to acknowledge how he got this far, and you lash out any one that tries to break it. Way too much of the Democrat party does. Itā€™s how they lost, and could lose again.

                    3ā€¢2 months ago

                    Saying heā€™s dumb as hell isnā€™t saying heā€™s not a clear and present danger to democracy. Itā€™s just saying heā€™s dumb as hell. A person can be dumb and dangerous at the same time.

                  • GladiusB
                    2ā€¢2 months ago

                    Iā€™m not living in anything. You donā€™t get it. Iā€™m not a public figure. Iā€™m just some person on the Internet. There is no need for me to see any good in a person. And he is that person.

                    2ā€¢2 months ago

                    Tbf, after having dealt with narcissist in my own life, Iā€™ve realized you dont really have to be smart to be good at manipulation, being shameless and willing to lie through your teeth does a pretty good job with people who dont want to get dragged into things, which is most people, the lies dont have to be particularly well thought out. So while Trump has done pretty well for himself as a conman, it doesnt really prove he has any type of intelligence.

            8ā€¢2 months ago

            Another commenter pointed out that heā€™s so fucking stupid he stared directly at the sun when an eclipse happened. Yeah heā€™s not very smart.

              0ā€¢2 months ago

              I donā€™t think so. Itā€™s classic Trump and fits his long pattern of behavior, of not quite lying in the technical sense while selling some kind of snake oil.

                1ā€¢2 months ago

                Couldnā€™t be a pattern of the people he hires and ethics heā€™s happy to not have? This isnā€™t evidence that heā€™s smart

      45ā€¢2 months ago

      His VP pick has children who are both white and Indian, but he still canā€™t comprehend Harris can be black and Indian.

      31ā€¢2 months ago

      Heā€™s ā€œlook directly at the sun during an eclipse without eye protectionā€ dumb. Plus heā€™s old, sleepy, and a felon.

      19ā€¢2 months ago

      More predictable than dumb, in that in any given situation the man will pick the absolutely worst choice available. Every single time. Even when that choice hurts him.

      When his options are (a) pick the right choice, (b) pick a bad choice, ( c) do nothing, or (d) pick something you didnā€™t even fathom because the idea was just so bad that even the biggest moron would dismiss it out of hand, he will go with D. Every single time. Even if it hurts himself. Thankfully, the man canā€™t get out of his own way 95% of the time, and I firmly believe that making even something resembling a rational choice even on the most basic of options would cause him physical pain.

    • Omega
      10ā€¢2 months ago

      Itā€™s just a weird thing to say and a weird stance to double-down on.

      10ā€¢2 months ago

      Heā€™s starting a rhetoric. He gaslights and soon thereā€™ll be a bunch of Americans caught up in her origins and misleading representation of race. And youā€™ll wonder, ā€œHow the fuck did that actually stick?ā€

        2ā€¢2 months ago

        Will there? Maybe the racist ones who would never be voting for her anyway. Good, let them waste their time with it.

      • Gloomy
        2ā€¢2 months ago

        Yep, itā€™s just the new talking point from their supreme leader. It was ā€œSleepy Bidenā€ before, now itā€™s ā€œopportunistic race swapping Harrisā€ (he is better with stupid names so he might come up with something more catchy, but that is the general direction).

        They will gobble it up like all the shit they parrot all the time.

          3ā€¢2 months ago

          I had a realisation. Might be true; probably isnā€™t. But I have the feeling Trump read The Art of War.

          Many of his actions seem to come straight from that book, but from a person that didnā€™t comprehend it appropriately.

      6ā€¢2 months ago

      Not dumb, in the sense that he knows 70% of his base doesnā€™t give two shits about anything, and 10% want to see vulgar stuff because itā€™s entertaining.

      This is the guy who has mocked developmentally disabled people on national TV more than once, prior to winning the 2016 election, and Iā€™m basing his reasoning after that. His fanbase is beholden to his callous asshattery

        2 months ago

        No, heā€™s legitimately dumb. He knows how to play a crowd, and covers it up a bit by rambling unlike Biden, but heā€™s been observably senile since like 2018, look at how disconnected his speech gets when he goes off script and starts a thought off with something he half-remembered from the news, something grandma would send you on FB, and ends it with something that hasnā€™t been accurate since the 80s.

        If you watch his CPAC speeches and stuff, itā€™s almost like thereā€™s a conspiracy of silence around showing how bad it is. You just get wacky stories that arenā€™t too believable from dem-alligned media, and ā€œeverythingā€™s fine, the 79 year old is the most stable genius everā€ from conservative media.

        The recent interview with the black journalists association missed the perfect opportunity to ask him to draw a clock.

          8ā€¢2 months ago

          Heā€™s dumb, but about as dumb as a rat that figured out how to reach the cheese in the maze. Heā€™s kind of bumbling around and took an unintentionally Socratic approach towards reaching what he wanted. Thereā€™s some rationality to all of it

          2ā€¢2 months ago

          He knows how to play a crowd

          If they already like him, sure. He lost the ability to be entertaining to anyone else a long time ago.

    • fmstrat
      2ā€¢2 months ago

      If you know you might lose a fair fight, but you also know it doesnā€™t matter if you can leverage mob violence, you stoke the flames.