Sideberry is good, but you end up with tabs in both places. This option allows you to reclaim the vertical space without need for messing with the chrome css stuff.
Sideberry is good, but you end up with tabs in both places. This option allows you to reclaim the vertical space without need for messing with the chrome css stuff.
What percentage of the market is daily pass vs seasonal pass, I wonder? I think it’s close to half at the big resorts. I feel like mountains (and mountain ownership groups) are pushing hard into the subscription model which means a lot of those people are paying less than the surge cost for the day, but a lot of people are also paying for a year pass but are sitting on their butt at home b/c they don’t actually have time to get out.
On peak days, both people with onesie-twosie passes and the people with annual passes are out there, I bet.
Unrailed 2
Iowa also has county names on their plates as well. I think it is probably a mix of:
Also just guesses.
We’re in a good spot and a good community already. All things equal, we’re about as safe as we could be, but I worry about what national level things they’ll try to do.
I have a bad feeling that my 9yo trans daughter was born at the wrong time and will have to deal with some bullshit. Though I guess you could say that for almost any time in the recent or distant past…
Yep, that’s me in there. I’m a Fedora KDE + Flatpak user.
A dispensary even. Man, I suppose you gotta smoke something to cope with living all the way up there.
You can beat it??
I want him to get drunk, go on a podcast, and just spill the tea. What does he really think. I mean, I think I know, but I’d love to hear his honest opinion of the games that were played, who dropped the ball, and what he thinks of all the players, outside of what we glean from the filings.
The evil ones always live the longest, annoyingly.
Yeah, Reddit posts with pictures of reddit posts and comments is not uncommon (IIRC). It’s pretty common practice and this forum…tis a silly thing to ask.
That’s really steep for what you’re getting, I think. As a “PC Replacement” at home I can see there being a place for this. If you don’t need local compute, why not stream it. Steam Link was $50 and has the same basic concept, except for games.
Maybe, maybe not. Looking at the answers from her “AOC and Trump” voter cross-section, it seems like you just need to run someone who’s “genuine.” Both of them are seen as genuine or real (whether that’s true or not, it doesn’t matter).
Populism can cut both ways and AOC might be just the ticket we need.
I queued with two guys in a video game Wednesday morning who spouted that line. I was taken aback. How do you effectively respond to someone who says that? I didn’t handle it well, but I have thought about it a lot since it happened. I remember playing with shock humor when I was in high school, but that is beyond the pale.
Misinformation has been shown to be extremely effective. We just potentially voted away our democracy and the people that did so legit thought they were saving it.
This is the way. We should have servers that are community only and user only, imho.