Stability at the cost of liberty is tyranny.
Stability at the cost of liberty is tyranny.
But the carbon of the animal itself is a small percentage of the grass itself. Im not claiming the animap itself is a sink but the proccess the animal has upon the environment is.
So what actually happened
If u read what i wrote then u would understand ur i completly missing the point. Cows eat grass which is atmospheric carbon and shit a majority of that out wich will be sequested in the soil. Entropy is concept relevent to energy quality or microstates. Im not talking about the cow itself im talking about the processing of grass (atmospheric carbon) the cow is doing acting as a machine in the proccess of carbon sequestation.
Did u read it? Apply a little critical thinking and explain where the flaw is.
Yeah my understanding is they are fundamentally incompatible. We definatly do need to steal their concept of a personal data pod that is ur account across all instances and services (i believe this exists but its just not implemented into most activpub application yet).
What mastodon? Yeah its got its issues and the devs are too uptight to fix them or adopt any reccommendations by anyone else.
Of course it came from a chinese lab. Simpky apply Arkham’s Razor.
From a city where they happened to be studying the gain of function of corona viruses. A bunch of scientists who worked at said lab who where raising concerns about covid disappeared. Us aussies pushed for an independent assessment by the WHO and as a result china fucked with our ore trading, out wine trading, and held live lobsters on a tarmac in chinese heat for 6hours. All news sources that are pro china didnt even entertain the idea that it could be china. Said lab where the virus alleged leaked was investigated prior and found to have extreme negligence. For a virus to successfully make the zooinotic jump it needs to symultaniously gain the ability to infect and to spread (very unlikely) we are currently witnessing h5n1 attempting this jump and it had had many many failed attempted so far this was not witnessed for covid.
I aint saying it was definatly a leak just that the odds that it iant are more extreme than if it was. And if it was its more likly to be from negligence than malice.
“Never attribute to malice that which is adequatSimplyplained by ignorance”
— Robert J. Hanlon (Hanlon’s Razor)
I still wish bluesky was activpub compatable tho.
Well every dof is extra cost
15-20 degrees is a lot tho
Can we ban fandom please.
Here is the explanation for beef:
Tldr: cows in sheds eating corn is the problem, cows eating natural grass actually sequester more carbon than an empty field.
Long answer: Photosynthesis can only get carbon from the atmosphere. This carbon is then turned into plant material in grass. This grass is then eaten by the cow. A small portion of this grass will be converted into methane and other byproducts in the cow’s digestive tracks. Some will be turned to energy for the cow and a vast majority will be shit out as raw unprocessed material. This raw unprocessed material, i.e. cow shit, this will last in the environment sequestering more carbon for longer time than just grass sitting there by itself. A grazed paddock will grow more grass than a non-grazed paddock because the cows are eating the fucking grass. i.e. more carbon from the environment is getting sequestered in the grass and the cow shit.
The only reason that cows get such a bad wrap is that variouse other factors are being counted that really shouldnt be under cows. Deforestation to grow plants to feed livestock, the transportation of meat, livestock feed etc etc.
A properly managed grass fed beef (like what we have here in australia) actually has a net negative effect on ghg. The factory farmed beef eating corn in a shed thats never seen a blade of grass is whats actually causing the ghg seen in the reports.
We have already seen this narrarive been used to strongarm small farmers grazing cattle while the multinational farms get away with fucking the environment cos they can afford the cost of beurocracy.
We are all just 3 warm meals away from anarchy thats something we should do well to remember.
Shit am i agreeing with a hexbear. Fuck i really do need to reconsider my opinion.
Yeah not all meat is as bad for the environment as its made out to be. A vast majoriry of land can support grazing but not crop farming.
A grazed paddock will sequester more carbon than an empty one.
real grass fed meat (like what we have here in australia) is actually a carbon negative product since it is sequestering carbon.
The shit meat u have in the states that tastes like cardboard thats fed grain in a barn is what actually is fucking the environment.
The dems: get mad at trump for pardoning people they dony like
Biden: pardons his own son.
The dems: when we do it its ok.
Clearly as bad as eachother wake up they want u to get distracted by this while they carefully tie the noise around ur neck.
Just cos its lazy doesnt mean it aint true
Ive tried the green eggs and ham and they dont compare to the real thing. The texture is wrong. The nutrition profile is different. The flavours are a cheap approximation (like vanillin approximating vanilla). The fat distribution is wrong.
And it feels artificial and processed with 1000 additives and fillers.
And u to can have all this for double the price of a good ol slab of real cow.
I get downvoted for saying both parties are as bad as eachother. Whats the justification for this lol?
Stability at the cost of liberty is tyranny.