Maybe I’m too autistic to read her, but that woman is not mourning looking.
Maybe I’m too autistic to read her, but that woman is not mourning looking.
Reality is, they will just rebrand employees.
You’re not a developer anymore, but a customer satisfaction consultant. Same job as before, but technically not a developer!!
Also, this is a great way to reduce headcount while seeming innovative to the market ghouls.
You could have photoshopped some swifties or Beatles groupies being broken, like the heads of South Park Canadians.
I understand, though, that you’re not a peak performance when overheated. Thermal throttling affects us all.
And given how much they tend to fuck themselves over, maybe not even themselves.
These patches do offer some benefits for cloud providers or in general orgs that host a bunch of different products on potentially the same machine.
I could see benefits in them, especially if the v3 or whatever addresses some of the issues.
Concentration camps offer free housing, after all.
Check mate, lefties!!!
“Freedom of exclusively my speech”
Wahlprogramme sind ja auch nur das Angebot. Da keine Partei die absolute Mehrheit hat, kann das Angebot auch nicht umgesetzt werden und Sprüche wie deiner sind halt nur tiefsinnig, wenn man 14 ist.
Die AfD hat allerdings selbst im Wahlprogramm eigentlich ausschließlich Punkte drin, die ihrer Klientel schaden würden, deswegen ist selbst das Angebot scheiße.
Die war nicht doof formuliert, die war einfach doof.
Gibt es irgendwelche Anhaltspunkte, dass es wirklich simulanten sind? Und selbst wenn, ist das in irgendeiner Form ein echtes Problem oder suchst du dir bloß ein einfaches Opfer, um dir nicht eingestehen zu müssen, dass du dich mit deinem Verhalten nur tiefer für deine Chefs bückst?
Unglaublich stumpf…
Upvote von mir.
I didn’t say Ubuntu isn’t used, but it’s by far not as clear cut as the previous comment made it look.
Ich weiß nicht, ob Cicero die beste Quelle ist.
Opposed to the Chinese corporations which are famously basically charity organizations?
What exactly is your point? Your moving goalposts to completely different planets.
Producing literally hundreds of a single type of airplane with orders for the next decade or so isn’t exactly “nothing to show for”.
And even if you discount the actual sales, getting billions in development budget from the US government is pretty good for business.
I wouldn’t say that.
RHEL/Centos/Alma and their derivates are very popular in enterprise contexts. Unless you count docker images based on Debian, I’ve literally never seen a non-RPM based distro being used by the companies I worked for.
Redhat isn’t worth billions without a reason.
That the average reader actually pays attention is a bold claim.
Ask any of the “mass readers” in your vicinity about the last book they read. There’s a good chance, they barely know the outline. They didn’t pay attention, it’s just a narrative being pushed through their brain without actually being processed - which is fine, it’s just entertainment.
BTW: a few thousand years ago it was argued that reading would destroy our memory because you weren’t forced to memorize everything anymore.
By addressing him at all, he’ll get legitimacy.
Yes, Musk has a large following, but it’s the terminally online conspiracy theorists anyway. Giving him a public platform could feed his lunacy to the general public.
One thing to keep in mind here is that Twitter is not a relevant medium. Twitter has very few actual readers and gets its range from media that mindlessly quote everything from there.
There’s a really annoying subgroup of developers who are convinced that typing itself magically produces good code and the only bottleneck in their productivity is how fast they can smash keys.
These are the ones who are hellbent on not using anything graphical, a mouse or any tool they deem too advanced.
It’s super annoying, especially since they often spend more time “optimizing” their setup than actually working, and even more time talking about how efficient they are.
You didn’t get the joke, did you?
The scale needed is ridiculous. You’d probably need one of those plants for every 1000 people on the planet.
I’d much rather capture CO2 from waste incinerators or (bio) gas plants or any other “residual” CO2 emitter that’s not burning fossil fuels. At least it’s pretty simple to filter out of their exhausts.
And I’m 95% sure these plants will be used as an argument for running fossil fuel devices longer. It’s “not so bad” after all.