I thought they were sold in the US now with some slight modifications to comply with the law? I know I’ve seen Kinder eggs in my local grocery store.
But yes, the ban is due to a perfectly sensible law having a bizarre edge case.
It’s also why king cakes don’t have the little baby figurines in them I believe.
On Lemmy you can see (and search) a list of all the activity from every instance federated to your home instance. Looking at Ibis, which a few posters have mentioned on this thread, it has a discover page with a list of federated instances and articles on those instances. The current format is hardly scalable, but it’s a start.
But, as I said before, the issue is less about discoverability and more about editing. Just like I can post in this thread even though I’m on a different instance, you can edit an article on one instance even though you’re on another. The alternative as used by Wikipedia, is to allow anyone, account or not, to edit. Requiring someone to have an account on a federated instance would mitigate a fair amount of spam and ease moderation.
In addition to discoverability, I’d say it provides a happy medium between letting every rando with an IP address edit a page and requiring account creation. Part of the point of the fediverse is to have (almost) everything in one place under a single account while still keeping things decentralized.
I wouldn’t doubt it, though MW seems hard to manage.
This looks interesting.
Seems like it’s still early days yet, but are there plans to add things like namespaces and categories?
I’m not thinking of a single distributed wiki, but something more like Fandom where you can edit pages on other wikis that are federated to yours.
Easy hosting isn’t quite the issue. Dokuwiki is trivial to self host. What I’d like something that’s a happy medium between requiring account creation to edit pages and letting literally every rando with an IP address go to town.
I’d like to see a federated, self hostable forum platform. I believe NodeBB is implementing or has implemented activitypub, but while it’s open source it seems even less of a turnkey solution than Lemmy or Mastodon.
I’m getting two points from the article. One is addressed handily by the Fediverse, the other is not.
First the centralized (I prefer to say “urbanized”) nature of social media means a handful of companies control all the conversations. The Fediverse is a decent (though not perfect) solution to that problem, and I think everyone on here knows that.
However, the article also talks about the problems with the format of social media, not just who’s hosting the platform. On traditional forums, conversations can last for years, but on Reddit, Discord, etc. new topics quickly bury old ones, no matter how lively those old topics are. Sure, you can choose to sort by “last comment” which replicates the traditional forum presentation with topic bumping, but it’s not the default, even on Lemmy, so 90% of people won’t bother.
I get to know people on traditional forums, even miss them if they leave, but on Reddit, comments are just disembodied thoughts manifesting in the ether. That may be due to the size of the community rather than the format, though.
The name means nothing to today’s youth
Story time: When I was a kid in the late 90s, there was a fad for toy walkie-talkies at my school. I was obsessed with seeing how far I could get my signal, which wasn’t very far given the likely minuscule power.
The teachers decided to capitalize on this trend by inviting a representative of a local ham club to speak at our school. I was absolutely floored when I learned you could talk around the world. Two things kept me from pursuing my license at the time. There was still a code requirement, and nobody for the life of me could tell me what lunch meat had to do with wireless communication.
While I can appreciate the desire to maintain order in the midst of chaos, and I can certainly see why radio is essential for that, I’ll never understand the people who say they’re into ham radio because they don’t want to be censored or intercepted in a time of crisis. Ham radio is insecure by design. Your dox yourself every time you give your call sign.
Oh this screenshot was taken years ago. I got my extra ticket in 2021 (first licensed in 2019). I just keep coming back to it because of how on the nose it is.
I’ve actually been away from the hobby for the most part for about 2 years, and am trying to find ways to get back into it.
Yes, I am talking about Lemmy posts.
Texan here. We learned Mexican Spanish (seseo, yeismo, ustedes for everyone, etc) It’s been years since I had to use it for my job but IIRC there’s a difference in the subjunctive verbs as well.
There are also distinct varieties of Spanish spoken in the US that differ from Mexican Spanish. As a general rule, if a common word has a similar-sounding English cognate (often false cognate) the cognate will be used. truck = troca instead of camión, concrete (as in cement) = concreto instead of hormigón, carpet = carpeta instead of alfombra, to park (a car) = parquear instead of estacionar, and so on. This is from my years working as a bilingual call center agent.
I wish I could find the quote, but I believe it was an old issue of QST (1914 I think). The writer spoke in almost religious terms of his experience tuning around looking for other stations, comparing it to disembodied souls floating through the ether searching for others to commune with. I wish I could feel the way he felt, but I’m too habituated to casual intercontinental communication.
The closest thing I can think of is my experience of the early web, where I was able to see the weather conditions at my grandparents’ house thousands of miles away.
Greetings, fellow xenolanger! I don’t think you’re going to find an established phonetic notation system for an alien vocal tract. You’ll likely have to homebrew your own system based on your critters’ phonetic space.
When I make a xenolang, I break up the phones into individual features. Whatever system I come up with denotes the features for each phone/phoneme one by one.
Here’s the system I use for my little monkey foxes:
1 short
2 long
3 early
4 late
5 overlong
1 low
2 high
3 rising
4 falling
5 peaking
6 dipping
1 weak
2 strong
3 strengthening
4 weakening
5 cresting
6 troughing
1 whine
2 growl
3 grunt
4 plain hiss vowel
5 trilled hiss vowel
h huff
c chuff
y yip
p plain hiss semivowel
t trilled hiss semivowel
So if I wanted to express a short low weak whine, it would be 1111. If I wanted to express that same syllable nucleus with a yip onset and a chuff coda it would be y1111c.
It’s not compact enough to serve as a Romanization scheme, though.
I have a fairly comprehensive grammar for my main xenolang up on Frathwiki (https://www.frathwiki.com/Commonthroat) which details how I solved the Romanization problem.
I also have a guide on how I came up with the phonology on the CBB forum (https://cbbforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=8203) which you may find useful.
Hope this helps.
I miss those thin serif fonts that were all over tech magazines in the 80s and 90s