I’ve found the solution to this problem is to not have friends.
I’ve been doing things the wrong way for a long time and now it’s time to pass my incompetence onto others.
I’ve found the solution to this problem is to not have friends.
The lemmy user in the database needs superuser privilages. Add superuser to the lemmy account, drop the database, and then recreate it.
sudo -iu postgres psql -c "ALTER USER lemmy WITH SUPERUSER;"
sudo -iu postgres psql -c "DROP DATABASE lemmy;"
sudo -iu postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE lemmy WITH OWNER lemmy;"
Edit: they may have fixed this but I’m not sure what version it’s in. Let me know if that doesn’t work. https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/pull/3002
If you use a local postfix relay it should queue messages and retry to send on failures.
Scroll down to do a complete reload doesnt work on my iphone but other than that it’s great.
It’s tough because you don’t want them to be technically inept in this day and age. There is also peer pressure amongst friends and a certain social status that for better or worse matters to them.
It’s a balance between unrestricted access and a reasonable amount. We keep them busy enough that it’s never a question. They really only come out on long car rides and trips. We don’t use them in the home at all.
Very rarely at a restaurant, only when it’s large family affair at a place we won’t normally go. I used to judge people throwing screens in front of kids at restaurants but let me tell you it’s better than chasing them around. They get a treat, the screen, for behaving and I get to enjoy a nice meal.
And to add to this the universal links with a ! should automatically be fetched by your instance instead of going 404 if they haven’t been searched before.
Agreed. Beyond just no ads because I go out of my way to block them on my network and devices its nice to browse new and be able to have discussions instead seeing complete shit posts or popular ones with 1,000+ replies already.
No way. I don’t care if Lemmy doesn’t succeed I’m never going to tolerate that shit. I stopped using Twitter when they killed third party apps and forced even more ads into their piece of shit app.
I’ve blocked every ad I’ve ever seen on the app. I haven’t used it in a while and I doubt I’ll ever go back now.
The only thing left that I use it for is getting alerts about live police chases so I can tune in. Ill leave that going until those people move to other platforms.
Try sending an email through there. That will tell you right away if you mail server will allow to you use the from address you want to. The message that it responds with is the message that lemmy, or whatever relay, would be logging anyways.
Did you try sending an email through OpenSSL using shell commands? Lemmy has no test email function so you need to be sure your credentials are correct.
It’s not uncommon for email servers to prevent you from sending as someone else even if you authenticate against your primary account. When using the OpenSSL shell commands it should end a successful test send with 250 ok queued or display an error like from not owned by primary account.
Make sure you can connect from your server to ensure firewall rules, passwords, and SSL type are accurate.
openssl s_client -connect smtp.fastmail.com:465 -tls smtp
More directions here as you need to encode your username and password to login from the shell: https://www.stevenrombauts.be/2018/12/test-smtp-with-telnet-or-openssl/
You can replace postfix:25 with smtp.fastmail.com:465 in the config. Verify that you need tls and not starttls as the ssl type.
If this is docker then you need to ensure the container can route to their server and port. I don’t use docker so I can’t help you there but I think it’s something about internal vs external bridge.
I followed the instructions from here and it was included so I left it: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Documentation/Bookworm/Upgrades
Someone much smarter than me explains it here: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/87763
You would have to run raw database commands to clear followed communities’ posts. It would be possible with some experimenting. The only local media associated with non-local communities is generated thumbnails so those would have to identified and purged from pict-rs.
I run opnsense, which has a long a storied history with pfsense and in my opinion is better, on a VM in proxmox.
I have a cluster of three servers and I can live migrate the VMs around to do maintenance. It gets backed up to proxmox backup server so restoring from a bad upgrade, which I’ve never had happen, or severe experimentation, which happens frequently, is simple.
It’s also one less device to power on, and pay for. My cluster is running regardless and every watt less helps keep my wife happy.
I’ve never had any issues that I could attribute to it being run in a VM. It does my 1gbe fiber and a dozen vlans with no issues.
Anything been taken over by the admins and turned back on yet?
Do you plan on allowing other users? If so every image they upload anywhere will be hosted from your instance. You would need a long term plan for continued storage if you do.
If it’s only yourself then not much. You would need space for your uploaded images and the database. Worst case you have to purge communities to free up DB space and re add them. It only tracks communities from the moment you add them. It doesn’t pull the entire history, and associated db size, into your instance.
I can pull the real numbers when I’m not on my phone but my database and maybe 150mb now. You can see all the communities I follow here so get a relative idea: https://lemmy.cablepick.net/communities My instance has been up for 4 days. I should start tracking db size growth to give others an idea of what to expect.
It’s digg v4 all over again.
You need to update your apt sources file. Here is the process. Run the following commands as root. Use sudo -s
first to avoid having to prefix every command with sudo. This assumes you are running bullseye. If not you need to update to bullseye first.
Update your current installation first:
apt udpate
apt full-upgrade -y
Then upgrade:
sed -i 's/bullseye/bookworm/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
export LC_ALL=C
apt update
apt upgrade --without-new-pkgs -y
apt full-upgrade -y
Then reboot.