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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • I do a 1:16.667 ratio of coffee to water. That would be 30g coffee in 500g water. Pre rinse the filter. Then I add enough boiling water to bloom the coffee. After about a minute I start adding more water. Just enough to keep the grounds below liquid level. I swirl clockwise and then counter clockwise after each pour.

    That’s it. Keep pouring until target amount of water is reached.

  • Spez has been correctly advised that investors are going to be concerned with profitability, or at least a viable pathway to profitability.

    There’s a huge startup bubble starting to burst. Companies reliant on cheap money to supplement a business model that at best is years away from profitability but in some cases decades or will never be profitable.

    Uber and Doordash IPO’d when money was cheap and investors were fine with speculating on these disruptive, yet unprofitable, companies.

    I work broadly in the VC funded start-up world. My observation is that money is running out. All of these companies are trying to commercialize, even if the product isn’t fully ready, because they have to show revenue and there has to be a path to profitability of that revenue. That’s the only way they’ll get more money.

    In this context, Reddit is more like these startups. They’ve been funded by investors, including big ones like Condé Nast and Ten Cent, and they need more money, so they have to show a path to profitable revenue.

    The IPO is going to be a shit show. I wouldn’t touch it with a 9 foot pole. Reddit has been notoriously unprofitable for its entire existence. Now there’s no more juice to squeeze and their backers want to pawn it off on retail investors.

  • I really use very few platforms. Was mainly Reddit, now mainly Kbin. No Facebook, no Twitter, no Instagram, too old for Snapchat.

    I stopped visiting Facebook several years ago. I think it was for two reasons:

    1. I decided it was unhealthy for my in real life relationships to see how people behaved on Facebook.
    2. When I noticed that Facebook was showing me way more “suggested” crap than stuff from my friends.

    I never used Twitter. It just wasn’t for me.

    Maybe too old and too much of a curmudgeon for Instagram and Snapchat.

    Leaving Reddit was going to be hard. I tried Mastodon but, like Twitter, that wasn’t what I was looking for.

    When I found kbin, I made the switch and that’s it. I have one sub I still check out on Reddit, but here if used to be daily, now it’s a few times a week. It’s continue to diminish I’m sure as the community on the deliverer grows.

  • French press is my morning go to. I generally follow James Hoffman’s method. Boiling hot water, stir for the first couple of minutes, and then let it sit for as long as you can patiently wait to let the fines settle. For me this is 3, 4 minutes max. My total brew time is 6-7 minutes. He recommends like 7-8 minutes rest for a total brew time of about 9-10 minutes.

    If I’m just itching for an extra cup, I have a pour over I use.

    The flavor difference between brew methods is always interesting. If I had to pick, I’d say the full mouthfeel of French press is my preference, but I’m glad I have both options.

    I used to have a nice 15 bar espresso maker but I found I just didn’t use it enough to justify the counter space it took up.

  • I think it’s generally best to just empathize and validate their feelings. My go to is “that sounds really frustrating” or just repeat back their feelings. I’d in their vent they say they are sad, repeat back “that seems like it would be sad”

    Depending on you’re relationship with them, I think you can first validate, but then ask “what are you going to do” or “how are you going to handle it”

    You can also ask “are you just wanting to vent or do you also want advice”

    But unsolicited advice is rarely appreciated. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and everyone things everyone else’s stinks.