A few months ago, I would have agreed with you. I own 3 hifiberry products and they are indeed awesome. Their own OS is great and they also worked very well with other software. But then I bought a couple WiiM minis. While it’s fun to hack around with the pi, the WiiM just works and it does a couple things I could never get the pi to do. In particular, Qobuz streaming in high def and synchronized multi-room streaming.
Sonos is a great turnkey option, but a bit pricey and closed. There are a couple other ecosystem options (HEOS from Yamaha, BluOS enabled by a bunch of different brands, etc), but they tend to also be a bit expensive. For a cheaper option, check out powered monitor speakers (Edifier have gotten good reviews) paired with WiiM mini or pro depending on your budget. With WiiMs are pretty easy to link together and they are pretty inexpensive for what they do.