Reading through your history I have to come to the conclusion you are either a long haul shitposter doing a character actor bit while venting some steam at Lemmy mod drama, or you are legitimately suffering from a kind of mental illness. If its the former, I respect your dedication to the bit. If its the latter, please talk to a trained professional. This level of disorganized, unhinged, and largely incoherent thoughts posting is a tell tale indication of schizophrenia. Like do you really think that a deep state mole actively seeks you out to downvote Lemmy post? Do you think writing your DoB and SSN in marker on your bare stomach and taking a picture of it is an appropriate way to prove identity on the internet? This is like one step removed from /x/ rants about the deep state replacing friends and family with clones and hiring MiB to gangstalk. Its straight illness dude. You might need help if you aren’t kidding, that’s the real mctruth for you.
Its kind of cool from a hacker perspective but really short sighted and not that functional. If your gonna mod your car like this at least connect a SBC like pi up to the display which can do general computing task AND emulate old games. A N64 just plays old games. A SBC can do anything including playing old games. A pi takes 5v and consumes 5 watts. I imagine an old N64 consumes quite a bit more power that drains the car battery.
All for what, to play smash bros and sm64on an 14 inch display instead of eating for your lunch break ? This person wanted to see if they could do something, in this case splicing an n64 into a car which I respect. It just seems they never bothered to ask if the thing they’re doing makes sense from an efficiency, convinence, or functionality perspective.