Seems to be the TV broadcast tower in Düsseldorf, Germany.
Apart from that, whole grain products are in fact more healthy.
I’m not sure the graph is accurate.
The new naming scheme suggests that the 9070 will compete with the RTX 5070, which will cost (according to 649 €. Even if that doesn’t include our 19% taxes, that would be far from 900 €.
In Germany (19% VAT), the 7900 XT is currently around 700 to 800 Euros for most cards, depending on where you’re looking. Based on that, the 9070 cards are either crazy fast or crazy priced. 1000 € would be way too expensive and contradict what Frank Azor said in that interview.
They better be placeholders. If not, I’ll probably ditch (AAA) PC gaming as a hobby cause the costs associated with it ain’t getting better.
Haven’t played it in a long while, but I remember it to be horrible and enjoyable at the same time.
Well that’s just like, your opinion, dude!
That’s roughly half a Skull And Bones development cycle.
So were Rayman Origins and Legends. But those are in the past.
I don’t own a whole lot, but I enjoy content on BD. I have a subscription similar to what Netflix started out as and get two discs per month. My partner always enjoys the bonus content that you just don’t get with the streaming services.
An electrician isn’t gonna charge a tenner for his time. He’s not your nephew who mows your lawn after school.
China is buying themselves control all over the place. Maybe they’re interested.
Ist schon korrekt so, allerdings streng gefasst. Ich finde dass Fahrräder als Fahrzeuge ebenso in einer Garage untergebracht werden können und das legal sein sollte. Garagen nur für Kraftfahrzeuge ist eine arg antiquierte Vorgabe. Und mit einer Werkbank und Werkzeugen habe ich auch kein Problem, besonders wenn der Garagenbesitzer ein Hobbyschrauber ist.
You’re looking for the word grain.
Desperados III because I somehow can’t seem to get Shadow Gambit started.
Well, how else are you gonna keep 600 Watts reasonably cool?