Tatsächlich ist abgelenkt wirken (aber nicht sein) ein guter Weg Autofahrer dazu zu bringen, tatsächlich an Schutzwegen stehen zu bleiben. Ansonsten sind diese ja leider nur für viele ein Vorschlag.
Tatsächlich ist abgelenkt wirken (aber nicht sein) ein guter Weg Autofahrer dazu zu bringen, tatsächlich an Schutzwegen stehen zu bleiben. Ansonsten sind diese ja leider nur für viele ein Vorschlag.
Even if you have the option to park directly in the sun, would you?
Being in a car that has been heating up for several hours of direct sun exposure is grueling. Switching on the AC to cool down to acceptable temperatures will probably drain more battery then was gained by the solar panel.
Alpine users in shambles
Im pretty sure I know those buildings. They’re also near the main station and have Tram connections within easy walking distance.
I generally prefer warm white lights as well, however cold white has it’s uses.
In our workshop where I often do electronics stuff cold white light is important as you don’t wanna mess up colors when for example reading color-coded resistors.
Is Epiphany any good yet? I have tested it a short while like one and a half year ago and found it to be rather lacking and have stuck to Firefox ever since.
I was raised in near Vienna and I heard the word often. However I’ve moved to Tyrol recently and it isn’t really used here.
May I suggest adding one more lane, as this will definitily fix this intersection as well as traffic in general
I’d like to inform you that those pills are actually blue where I live
Don’t shame others into donating please.
In order to participate in modern life you have to own a device which is able to connect to the internet. Also older devices get often gifted away to those who can less afford them.
Hate to break it to you but Albania isn’t a EU Member.
At least on Android you have NewPipe, which is an easy to install alternative Frontend for YouTube, or YouTube ReVanced, which applies multiple Patches to the original YouTube-App in order to make it more useable, however sometime the patching process causes trouble.
I’m currently using Revanced and it still works like a charm and completly adfree.
From Austria, but Germany has quite similar laws.
You’ll get 96% Ethanol with bitterants (so that you do not trink it) in every bigger supermarket as well as hardware stores, it’s either called Ethanol or Brennspirtus.
For non-denaturized Ethanol you have to go to the pharmacy. Expect higher prices as every (theorethically) drinkable alcohol is subject to a tax.
I truly feel bad for unity developers here. While unity as a company was always a bit shitty from what I’ve heard, the engine itself still was a very low barrier to entry into game development, however now it feels like you are being punished for releasing something which is marginally successful.
If you are looking for Unity alternatives, I’d like to suggest Godot. While some things are rough around the edges the engine has made huge improvements in the last year or so. It’s developed by a small independent team as well as it’s own community and completly open source, effectively eliminating the chance for corporated fuckery like in Unity’s case.
If you are from Europe, especially German-speaking countries: So called Buntbartschlüssel (literal translation: colorful beard keys) are very popular for older buildings and garden sheds as well as for interior doors in residential buildings.
There are around 70 different types with you being able to spot which one is need by just looking inside the keyhole, there are handy charts for this purpose.
Last time I sent an SMS was like 7 years ago or something like that.
Companies still use them to send you verification codes (which depending on your country can be a mayor security risk) and reminders, but otherwise it’s mainly WhatsApp or other messagers like Telegram or Signal.
GDPR didn’t give you cookie banners, it’s shitty websites that do.
If they were to just follow activated “Do not Track”-Preferences, they wouldn’t need to ask, instead they would deactived them by default. Or you could just not use cookies, it’s not like somebody forces you to give cookies out to your website’s users.
As a small kid i once rode my kickscooter in a similar parked car, cause to be honest I wasn’t looking and also wasn’t expecting a car to pretrude like one meter into the sidewalk. While I was definitly careless (and also like 5) you should expect accidents happening when you leave stuff in places they don’t belong.
Intersex: Menschen, die aufgrund von abweichenden Körpermerkmalen, Chromosomen, etc. bei Geburt nicht klar in die biologisch-physiologischen (körperliche Eigenschaften) Kategorien (engl. sex) Mann bzw. Frau passen. Früher hat man oft im frühen Kindesalter ohne die Zustimmung des Kindes geschlechtsangleichende Maßnahmen durchgeführt - oftmals war dass dann aber widersprüchlich zur eigentlichen Geschlechtsidentität - weswegen viele dieser Menschen sich nun auch als trans identifizieren.
Transsexuell: Medizinische Diagnose für Menschen, die geschlechtsangleichende Maßnahmen an ein anderes physiologisches Geschlecht anstreben bzw. durchführen (lassen) - teilweise ist diese Diagnose auch Voraussetzung für geschlechtsangleichende Maßnahmen. Wird mit dem ICD-11 durch die Diagnose Geschlechtsinkogurenz ersetzt. Von großen Teilen der Community wird der Begriff Transgender bevorzugt.
Transgender: Jemand der sich mit einem Geschlecht identifiziert, dass nicht dem Geburtsgeschlecht (sex) entspricht. Das tatsächlich gelebte Geschlecht bzw. das präferierte Geschlecht ist dann das gender (soziale Geschlecht) in der Begrifflichkeit. Dies kann, muss aber nicht, mit geschlechtsangleichenden medizinischen Maßnahmen einhergehen.
Nicht-binär: Menschen, welche sich nicht (ausschließlich) zu den sozialen Geschlechtskategorien Mann bzw. Frau zugehörig fühlen. Sie können sich z.b. keinen, einem anderen (außerhalb von Mann und Frau), mehreren oder einem zeitlich wechselnden Geschlecht zugehörig fühlen.
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