This proprietary battery that Nitecore uses for all their latest generation tactical flashlights is the reason why I don’t buy or recommend them. It would have been easy to avoid these batteries.
Software developer from Germany with interests in programming, electronics, flashlights, calculators, writing instruments and various outdoor activities.
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This proprietary battery that Nitecore uses for all their latest generation tactical flashlights is the reason why I don’t buy or recommend them. It would have been easy to avoid these batteries.
Put your hand in front of a 120 W bulb. Does it get warm?
Question is: What do you want to achieve by using a black body radiator? It won’t give you any fancy colors, just a pretty smooth spectrum.
Seven levels of brightness for the white channel, two for R/G/B/UV. Only one color at a time. Next to the RGB disco mode there’s also a red SOS, a read beacon and a white strobe.
You can order the dual channel D4v2 with a deep red channel (660nm) and UV channel. ;)
Get it with the additional 18350 tube and optionally magnet in the tailcap. Costs more or less the same as the MiX-7, but only comes with two channels and has no internal charging. On the other hand it will have Anduril.
It will look like this:
Indeed, if you want RGB with more power than just aux LEDs, it might be a good choice (althout RGB has just two brightness levels). It’s also a great high CRI + UV candidate (alternatively you could consider a dual channel Emisar D4v2 with 519A and UV).
I don’t really like the input lag on the switch which is unusual for a “tactical” light
Which input lag do you mean? When it press the switch, my light turns on immediately.
Wann geht es denn hier weiter? Durch die Deföderation ist ein großer Teil meines Netzwerks weggebrochen, sodass ich mir dort jetzt einen weiteren Account angelegt habe. Das kann eigentlich nicht der Sinn eines dezentralen Netzwerks sein. Klar, ich könnte mir eine eigene Instanz aufsetzen, auf die nur ich Zugriff habe, aber das erscheint mir etwas übertrieben. Lemmy bräuchte für so einen Fall eine Single-User Version. Vielleicht gibt es sogar schon irgendein System mit ActivityPub, das so funktioniert… Mal schauen.
Hmm… seltsamer Effekt: Mein Beitrag ist auf anderen Instanzen vorhanden, aber hier – von wo er ursprünglich stammt – ist er verschwunden: