OpenDown [he/him, comrade/them]

A poly queer marxist with a dream.

  • 1 Post
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 1st, 2024

  • Haven’t met a communist group in America that wasn’t infantile or controlled resistance unfortunately. I’d get in touch with local native/afrikan/chicano liberation orgs or non-liberal palestine orgs like palestine action and use ML literature as a guide and encourage others to do the same with study groups etc. PSL calls themselves ML but they don’t abide by the party structure and I’ve had multiple reps say they knowingly aren’t going to be the vanguard party, and the mysteriously rich Becker family that heads it seems more interested in their presidential campaigns than uniting the actual proletariat of our country. Feels like a way to capture people interesting in ML organizing into doing infantile action, I’m not behind the scenes but I’ve just heard enough person horror stories and strange uses of time to not trust them on a national level (most individuals clearly are just interested in doing communist organizing but need better guidance). FRSO is just same but smaller, and every one I’ve seen (especially RevComs, CPUSA, all Trot orgs) has hues of labor settlerism.

    For me, I see centering anti-imperialist work as coming first because it creates the conditions for the proletariatization of America, and as it is most communist orgs in America aren’t headed by the Proletariat but instead settlers that think we can put aside anti-imperialism to get the guys that transport the weapons of oppression higher wages and reinforce their relationiship with empire. So it depends on where you are in America, but doing the decolonization work and if you live in Hawaii focusing on their native struggle or if you live near a large American Indian population or near the black belt focusing on them and what nationalist orgs have popped up around there… Prisoner and homeless aid orgs are very radical as well, John Brown/socialist gun clubs…

    As communists I think we can serve to try and bridge the gap between these clearly connected struggles and connecting with and connecting together comrades in all of them. Maybe there are PSL/FRSO chapters doing these things so maybe look into your local ones if you’re curious, but I’d honestly avoid pledging allegiance to either one of them and following their work blindly. In addition to avoiding labor settlerism if any of these com orgs are doing drug/“sex worker” legalizing efforts run far far away, these “leftist” brainworms bring so much more harm than good and are a sign of an infantile org. (To explain, drug abuse goes up keeping us all down and coping harder rather than trying to find a way out, black people are still incarnated for their use and stuck in jail for ridiculous prison sentences. Sex trafficking goes up and pimps become legal slave owners, opening up a new market for capitalism in the most abusive industry of naked exploitation, this is libertarianism, not socialism)

  • Again, kettling protesters is a tactic the police use for the purpose (among many other things) of restricting your movement to get pics/identifying information to ID you and doing that to actionists in front of kops is going to produce some door knocks in the future. Regardless the definition of what is and isn’t “helping IDing” we might disagree on fine, I feel like I’ve seen this lead to investigations enough to say that but whatever.

    That aside police collaboration is a theme considering the statement that a protester made as well and the fact they felt comfortable to say it (with good reason it seems). That person is a pro-cop snitch that actively is posing a danger to a comrade, what should the purpose of a marshall be other than to keep fascists out? The answer is to be the peace police clearly and prevent actions like this in a way that we’ll argue about “the right way to protest” here instead of rightfully blaming the kkkops and everything they represent.

    The heart of what I’m trying to say is this, if this kind of peaceful protest isn’t producing any material change and is actively preventing more radical actions from occurring, maybe it, its marshalls and organizers, and fascist attendees are doing more to prevent the movement from progressing than helping it.

  • I do not have solidarity with Amerikkkan “leftists” whatever that term means and I sure as hell will criticize them for the endless list of things they do because they were brought up in the fourth fucking reich. This person asked the armed vanguard of genocide to take a man trying to do something the protest should be about and the marshall didn’t throw that person out. The marshall and seemingly majority of the protesters felt closer aligned with the kop than the actionist, and there’s nothing more symbolic of amerikkkan “leftism” than that

  • Most of the people I’ve met at the encampments got nothing materially changed and felt like they won when biden dropped out. They still condemn hamas, and now condemn people that don’t want to vote for kamala because you’re anti-black and homophobic (lots of queer once friends are now happy and PROUD to be pro-genocide fascists in my blue state). I really feel like these imperial core protests especially the ones centering the particularly privledged (new york college students) are there to give an illusion that we’re helping so when shaprio gets dropped in favor of walz or in the future when hamas eliminates israel we can say our tactics won out because we somehow weakened the zionist entity by going camping for a few days. IMO the definition of controlled resistance going off of the great exodus of anti-imperialist-curious becoming full blown fascist democrats that’s happened since Kamala’s became the nominee and the general aura of impermeable american unseriousness that makes so suggesting any actual actions in these encampments labels you a wrecker and got so many people thrown out for daring to suggest we not let zionists roam the encampment

  • I just don’t understand why the marshals actively stopped them and helped the cops ID them instead of keeping them away from the rest of the protest. It’s all about the diversity of tactics for these organizers until someone tries to do something effective, and if there wasn’t active peace policing or infantile organizers “leading” maybe there could’ve been more genuine unrest that was much more unpredictable to the DNC attendees at the very least. You are right in that the action is adventurist but I have so much more empathy with them than the organizers that think peaceful protests are anything but a spit in the face to the gravity of the situation

  • The only thing I’ve seen out of this protest has been a deeply unserious person flying an anarcho-brat flag and organizers/members of related orgs (PSL, FRSO) celebrating their wide turnout despite little to none material gains. It really feels like protests are the husk of what was once popular mobilization that represented a genuine threat to the ruling classes ability to ignore the popular masses. It’s not nothing, but this is barely the baby steps of a real movement and we should all be deeply ashamed we aren’t doing more 11 months into a genocide, not actively helping police ID those wanting to escalate!

    I’ve met wreckers that look to escalate in inappropriate scenarios, it’s never good to get arrested but I’ve been following this whole discourse on twitter and this line of “wreckers looking to get symbolically arrested” is completely detached from what actually happened and what people are actually advocating for (ANY kind of genuine disruptment or even threat of disruptment) and feels, ironically, more wrecker than what’s being accused