When you go to your sound settings and then playback and then your current speaker: is the volume off the Microphone setting zero or is ihr muted?
When you go to your sound settings and then playback and then your current speaker: is the volume off the Microphone setting zero or is ihr muted?
Just out of curiosity: is it that bad if the database is larger? I love to have some history especially for my temperature sensors.
Ich lese es eher als Armut wählen - SPD bekämpfen. Ob es das besser macht weiß ich aber nicht 🤷🏼♂️
With this amount of servers it seems to be quite a job running and managing all of these. I am running just a few containers and struggle sometimes when there is a major version upgrade to get everything back up running.
How much time do you spend on maintenance for these machines and do you have a tool for it or is it just plain command line? 😯
I was surprised as well but after watching some streamers doing r/place I learned that there are quite a lot of users who never used 3rd party apps and weren’t really touched by all the protests… The amount of questions “who is u/Spez” in the chat was also quite high. So they might have driven away a large chunk of the power users. But the remaining and the regular users are enough to keep it running I guess. As sad as this is.
Sorry I’m still trying to get my head around the question. What is the answer the teacher expected/ the question the teacher meant to ask? 🤔
Or andretti made a considerable donation to their campaign ;)