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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • The problem is that it fundamentally makes them a political org to choose one side over the other.

    And the US Government has made it clear that they don’t consider a violent insurrection to be treason.

    No they didn’t. They prosecuted a LOT of people for that.

    So why should facebook go to bat and make themselves an even bigger target come January?

    That’s the reason. Fuck Facebook’s own rules, they are trying to mitigate an attack by a fascist dictator.

  • Anyone who announces they’re willing becomes persona non grata and nonviable, for stabbing the current candidate in the back before he’s stepped down.

    None of this should have been done in public. Democrats calling for Biden to step down 1 day after the debate are idiots. This is internal party politics and while it would have leaked, it wouldn’t have been democrats blasting their own party leader in public. They should have figured out who was the most popular, got a backup, got their support, and then went to Biden’s campaign with their evidence. Then if he refused to step down, they maybe could do so in public. Or just wait for the pundits to trash Biden on their own instead of adding to it.

    Division this late is the game is damning. Also Democrats are fair-weather supporters to a T. 1 bad debate and they throw the sitting POTUS under the bus? Yeah he looked old and made mistakes. But he isn’t a fucking fascist. It’s just unbelievable when Trump has been shitting the bed 24/7 for years.

  • He’d be stepping down into the void. The primaries are mostly over. It’d just be the DNC deciding for themselves who the candidate would be. That would NOT please most voters. It’s typical for an incumbent to be the nominee for a second term. It’s not typical for a party to just decide who the candidate would be.

    It’s probably going to be Harris if he is replaced, which I’m… not thrilled with.

    If that’s who they choose they need to decide now and start talking her up, even if Biden doesn’t step down right away. We are past primary season. And honestly, she’s fine. Not good fine. But she’ll lose to Trump. Not for any part of her own merit or policies, but because America is a sexist, racist country and I do not have any confidence in them electing a black woman. Maybe is she was popular or charismatic like Obama was but we haven’t really seen her do much.