additional pronouns Moth/Moths.
I’m a lot of things, but to do my best to make a short list… Upcoming proj Dev, Learning Blender and using Clip Studio and GMS2. I am really wanting to learn how to do graphics programming.
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Joined 4 days ago
Cake day: December 16th, 2024
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No mayor, if that IS your real name… It’s cause of the real life human beings who are dying on the street because people are so fucked up they’d rather have hundreds get murdered by the state by poverty than to provide actual social protections. but sure the big bad boogieman is soooo scary oh look out guys its the video games oooOO MAYOR
No mayor, if that IS your real name… It’s cause of the real life human beings who are dying on the street because people are so fucked up they’d rather have hundreds get murdered by the state by poverty than to provide actual social protections. but sure the big bad boogieman is soooo scary oh look out guys its the video games oooOO MAYOR