have you ever seen a horse?
have you ever seen a horse?
It’s wild that you can just update this posted image
Well yeah, I sad “Maybe not as bad as Trump (although honestly, I don’t know)” because it has been placed there, but I’m 22 years old and not from the US, so while I’m politically interested, I don’t have very much knowledge about the exact policies of Reagan. So thanks for the addition
Well, yeah, socio-political and economically left are two different things. But honestly, this “chart” is just very biased towards the argument that we should be less socio-politically progressive. Which is wrong, socio-politically progressive are things like that trans people aren’t discriminated against and can be addressed properly and get support, that gay people don’t need to fear kissing in public, that drugs like Cannabis are legal, that it’s okay to be different and such. Personally, while I’m left on both axes, that one is the more important one to me.
And honestly, Reagan was really socio-politically conservative. Maybe not as bad as Trump (although honestly, I don’t know), but like at most, that dot would be at the lower ending of the “Trump Republican” text. Just look at his war on drugs or lack of any help during the AIDS crisis.
Conversely, Obama and Biden are of course not economically very left (especially not when compared to western European countries), but there is still a huge difference to someone like Trump that made huge taxes for the rich, especially when that has been a major talking point in the election. So the differencece between Trump and Obama / Biden on that axis should be at least as much as between Reagan and Trump.
I’m not sure I’d really be in there but the surrounding ones aren’t great either ._.
At least here, all the (anti vax) nutcases moved away from the Green bubble after Covid.
Can you… uh… explain for someone who has no idea what you’re talking of?
Honestly, I think the original version is more accurate
Well that’s assault
Poland is still inaccurate, as it was when it was posted here the last time
Edit: I tried to search for my comment last time but I didn’t find it. So short summary: In Poland, an authoritarian far-right party ruled for a long time that acted heavily against the rule of law and separation of powers (they replaced their Supreme Court and discharged judges on other courts that didn’t rule as they wanted) and was very anti-democratic (they turned the national TV into a propaganda broadcast). Amid huge protests, the opposition won the election, and while it is not a very left coalition, they were pretty successful in reversing many of this horrible things, e.g. taking back control of the TV broadcast with a completely new team. They couldn’t undo everything as the president with a veto power is still from the old party but with the president elections coming soon this could change soon. And it’s generally very euphoric and awesome what happened because it was really terrible what the other party did to this country.
Huh, that’s a really bad analogy. It would rather be the case that the track drives over the one person in both cases and just over the five additional ones if you do’t turn the track.
LMAO. Do you really think that? You have the moral inferiority because you are part of the reason for the pain and terror getting much worse, both in Gaza and for every minority in the US. A direct consequence of you and your likeminded’s actions.
Ich sage nicht, dass ich persönlich das so mache oder sehe. Aber sicher fallen viele auf diese Illusion rein (und insbesondere welche, die eben nicht vom Mindestlohn leben und vielleicht wirklich dadurch mehr Profit bekommen, gerade wenn es jetzt nicht um 1% Rendite geht, sondern vielleicht um ein Wachstum von 5% oder so).
Was bringt denn das langfristige Überleben der Menschheit? Ist doch scheißegal, ob in 50.000 Jahren jemand lebt; wichtig ist, dass es Menschen grundsätzlich gut geht und sie nicht leiden müssen; und genau das verursachst du mit dieser Einstellung.
I still really liked Howie Hawkins in 2020. I wouldn’t have voted for him, but I felt like he would have been a good candidate. Idk why they went back to Stein (although that was probably good as it likely led to fewer people voting for them).
Das ist halt irgendwie dermaßen unempathisch und zynisch. Du findest es gut, dass Millionen Menschen in den USA realste Konsequenzen absolut schrecklicher Politik ertragen müssen? Dass trans-Menschen weiter die Identität abgesprochen wird und Menschen aufgrund ihrer Hautfarbe und Religion verfolgt werden? Dass armen Menschen Leistungen weiter gekürzt werden und die Reichen mehr Geld bekommen?
Und das alles für… einen Planeten, der sich ohne Menschen erholt (wer hat denn eigentlich was davon? außerdem kann das sowieso passieren).
Dieses both sides - Getue ist eines der Gründe, warum manche die Bedrohung von Trump nicht ernst nehmen. Es stimmt einfach nicht; es macht einen absolut riesigen Unterschied, ob der Präsident sagt, dass kein Klimawandel existiert, oder Investitionen in Milliardenhöhe zum Klimaschutz (Biden) tätigt.
I’m not talking about the pet play