I can’t say much on pantheon, I’ve heard of it but it didn’t grab me enough to follow it like other projects. I’ve been following Evercraft which is a blocky EverQuest in progress (played during one of their alpha test weekends and it seemed promising) and legends of old; a free EverQuest clone in progress.
Ascension wow has a server in testing right now for a number of custom classes which has been interesting so far. (Other than that there’s project 1999 wish is just old EQ for all the good and bad of that. When I did play it I was able to get pick up groups in zones for leveling)
Tbh I mostly stick to older, or at least older style ones so from time to time I’ll pick up EverQuest for a month. I use to play project 1999 with friends but trans oceanic timezones are a pain but they enjoyed it as a thing to do while we hung out. Im watching the development of a couple similar things: Evercraft which is just a blocky EQ but it seems promising, and legends of old which is a single player free eq clone.
The ascension wow private server is fun if you like gambling with random abilities and has a test server up for their custom classes. They’re interesting so far, tinker let’s you use different ammo for your guns or built a robot to help you fight, necromancer is a cross of warlock and death knight: DoTs and you can summon an army of skeletons.
Old school RuneScape is picked up occasionally as well, but mostly as something to do on my lunch break or when I want to watch some shows