On this account, I can see more posts I couldn’t see before.
anime nerd
Learning JP, ZH
Alt for anime/random: !Aurora_Glamour@ani.social
What? So you’re ableist?
Of course!
I get it. I love your profile picture, by the way!
True. For some reason, I assumed people couldn’t ask political questions due to controversy
Not really better. How do you not know what you’re doing? Did the show just randomly come on when you turned on the TV/Metallica song came up in a playlist?
I agree with you.
“ i actually did break up with her last year because she thought i didn’t care about her. she then said i broke up with her because i’m a horrible person and said i assaulted her.” but this also concerns me
Either her girlfriend is extremely brainwashed too or the same person
Of course not. She screams of eloquence and high-brow thinking, and mere sarcasm I does not match her level of comprehension. She’s otherworldly
Sorry. I used to be a Trumper (I didn’t like Clinton, that’s why), but this was back when I was straight, and I did somehow “advocate for LGBT rights”. Anyway, most genuine “LGBT” Trumpers either want an excuse and aren’t even part of that community, or just don’t like the Democratic candidate.
Is it possible shes hinting shes not interested in you?
It sounds like she already moved on. Personally, if my girlfriend (different because we’re not long-distance) started playing video games instead of texting me and going on dates, let’s say, I’d at first ask if she was ok and talk to her. If she continued, I’d wait a while and see if she’s in a good spot. If she completely ignores me in favour of her friends, that’s called ghosting.
If she continues to do this, she is ghosting you, and in my opinion not your girlfriend.
I’m not sure, I knew a mentally ill teen like this. Maybe she is a highly emotionally immature teen.
Thank you! I’m happy because I usually get shyer around men but I feel so confident with her
(I generally find same-gender relationships easier even as a “mostly straight” lady)
Sorry, but this is a red flag 🚩
If you ask her who she’s talking to/about when she’s being romantic with someone and she says she can’t tell you, that sounds like cheating. Are you sure this was an AI or just her way to justify talking to someone?
If she was jokingly flirting with a friend or just saying she liked an actor, she would most likely tell you that and the context.
Sounds like
A. She is actually bi and lost interest in you
B. She was bi-curious but realized she’s not interested in women but rather than telling you/her other GF that, she stayed in a relationship to avoid confrontation.
You should see her other comments. She thinks her friends are useless and wonders “Why try if you suck at everything?”
She thinks that she will always be better than her friends and that she’s better than them at sports “without trying”.
Is your girlfriend by any chance autistic? I don’t mean this in a rude way, just curious, because it would make sense why she only focuses on her video game interests.
Thank you!