I don’t think that that’s true about the German language or people, and could perhaps benefit from more critical material analyſis and inveſtigation regarding the place and function of thoſe rules relative to the language.
As for how I type the long s, I perſonally uſe a keyboard layout of mine own deſign, which can be ſeen in the attached image. I alſo have a keyboard layout for Android, and although I perſonally uſe Linux, I have alſo made a few ſcript-baſed ways of typing it for Windows including an entirely automated ſolution to help people who would want to incorporate it into their own orthography.
I uſe a Kobo Libra 2 with KoReader, and Calibre to edit and convert e-books. It’s not as large as ſome other models ; ſo it wouldn’t be as well-ſuited to PDFs or certain textbooks, but as as been ſaid elſewhere in the thread, it’s not unreaſonable to convert thoſe to e-pub or mobi for a better experience. What it does have as a benefit over ſome other e-readers at the moment is a higher contraſt ratio and generally good reſolution—not quite as nice as a print book, but very cloſe. The ſcreen itſelf ends up being cloſer to a newſpaper in print quality than a nice book due to the tint and general contraſt, but this can be a bit leſs apparent with brighter lighting or direct ſunlight. It’s an overall nice experience and can act as a replacement for phyſical books, but both methods have their advantages and diſadvantages.