Just started playing it this morning on my PS5. I’m perpetually frustrated by Bethesdas snail like pace when it comes to this type of thing but the update seems excellent so far.

It’s running at a buttery smooth 120 FPS in quality mode with VRR on. I thought for sure their performance mode would be limited to 60 FPS so this is amazing.

Edit: apparently quality mode is a 40 FPS target internally with VRR enabled. Performance mode is 60 FPS as expected. So it’s doing frame multiplying to boost it up to 120. Still feels and looks incredible though. Quality mode is native 4K with ultra settings and looks crispy as fuck.

    10 months ago

    XBX, Kinda bummed there’re a few QoL mods I find it much less enjoyable to play without (weightless junk, smoother leveling curve, bug fixes, etc) I prefer over the upgrade changes. Hoping the mods get updates soon, probably going to give it a month or two then come back. Tried playing new Vegas on XBX but it doesn’t have mods on console, same with 3. I’m more interested in getting back to 4 anyway though since I already beat 3 and NV on PC back in the day but never the 4 main quest yet.