• Nougat
      11010 months ago

      You know how “If you see someone stealing food, no you didn’t”?

      If you’re on a jury where the defendant is accused of killing a Nazi, not guilty. Jury nullification.

    • Chozo
      7310 months ago

      Some family traditions should be upheld.

      • Uranium3006
        2210 months ago

        We didn’t go far enough the first time and look where that got us. Let’s do.it right this time

        • @fubo@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          Sure; in one view, the free folk should have kept going on past Berlin after liberating Germany from Hitler … and liberated Poland, Ukraine, and Russia from Stalin’s rapists. Then maybe Russians wouldn’t still be getting murdered by their government today.

          However, the genocidal rape-murder-fanatics who called themselves Nazis were a clearer target than the genocidal rape-murder-fanatics who (falsely) called themselves Marxists.

              • Maeve
                810 months ago

                That’s not how we do things here. We generally use crippling sanctions that punish people, mostly poor people , while also trying to find a back room deal or overthrow legally elected governments.

          • @triplenadir@lemmygrad.ml
            710 months ago

            “free folk” is a weird way to describe the US/UK/etc., given what civil rights in those places were like at the time, and the fact that the US now has the highest incarceration rate of anywhere in the world (and a prison system that kills a higher percentage of prisoners than the gulags in the USSR did).

            what’s your evidence that

            a) the US got involved in the second world war for any reason other than to fight communism (US businesses continued to trade with the Nazi regime right until the end of the war),

            b) that the US had any capacity to push further east than they did,

            c) that anyone in the USSR wanted their “liberation” (polls in all of the places you mentioned had huge support for the USSR all the way to its dissolution, and even the CIA admits that calling Stalin a “dictator” was misleading propaganda

            • @SCB@lemmy.world
              10 months ago

              a) the US got involved in the second world war for any reason other than to fight communism

              Lmao what

              The US got involved because Japan attacked the US. At no point in WW2 did the US every fight against communists. They allied with communists - and they literally referred to themselves as the Allies

            • @Redditiscancer789@lemmy.world
              10 months ago

              ??? The USA could of absolutely kept pushing east but didn’t because it still had all of its forces divided on 2 fronts. If you count just the European theatre, yeah Russia had more tanks and men but they were also being supplied by the Americans. Americans stop supplying war material and SU has to scramble to fill the voids ala now in Ukraine “Special Operation” war. Would it have been a slam dunk easy victory? Absolutely not, but considering the state of everyone’s shit like factories, useable materials, and population loss, America comes out on top every time. If America had attacked the Russians afterwards there is a real possibility the Soviet Union collapses just under its own population drain. By the end of the war SU lost an estimated 8-10 million soldiers and an estimated 24 million civilians. Not to mention having their future soldiers grow up on malnutrition diets. America had also been full steam ahead war manufacturing shit for 5+ years at that point while the SU barely got its factories back up in 42/43 from the initial Nazi invasion.

              I’d love to see your evidence though that American Companies kept trading with Germany after the attack at pearl harbor and the subsequent declaration of war by Germany in 1941.

  • DreamButt
    14210 months ago

    we really need to become intolerant of intolerance in this country

    • @GraniteM@lemmy.world
      9910 months ago

      Tolerance is an agreement, not a suicide pact. If someone refuses to abide by the terms of tolerance, then they have no right to be protected by it.

      • BeautifulMind ♾️
        1910 months ago

        If someone refuses to abide by the terms of tolerance, then they have no right to be protected by it.

        Yes. Although it’s correct to point to Popper’s paradox of tolerance, it’s better to regard tolerance to be the terms of the contract that provides your rights and protections. Oh, you want to void someone’s rights? Don’t expect the protections of the contract if you’re in breach of its terms.

        This (treat it like a contract, or like a treaty) doesn’t just avoid the mind-boggling that some people experience trying to get their heads around a paradox, it provides tools by which to restore a broken peace.

    • @phoenixz@lemmy.ca
      -810 months ago

      Tal with them.

      Groups like that typically have a core with a number of insane leaders they just have to be locked up, key thrown away, but most of the people around it are just… well, lost, really. These are people that really feel they’re thr good guy, trying to protect from what they’ve been taught is evil.

      Show then they’re wrong. Show them that the evil doesn’t really exist but in their heads. You can talk with them, at least TRY to reason with them…

      • You can’t use reason to convince someone out of a position they didn’t reason their way into… I agree that should still be the first step, but I wouldn’t expect it to work for the majority of them. Cognitive dissonance is a bitch to overcome, especially if they aren’t willing to accept the possibility they might be wrong.

        • @phoenixz@lemmy.ca
          110 months ago

          What’s the alternative?

          Jail them? Forever? If not, one day they’ll be free and angrier than ever.

          Deport them? Where?

          Ignore them? That doesn’t sound like a good idea either

          The only real solution I see is reason with them. It’ll be hard, it’ll be stupid, bit I don’t see ma y other solutions

  • @notannpc@lemmy.world
    10510 months ago

    You know, I’m generally willing to let everyone share their opinions even if they’re awful, but I feel like if you’re proudly waving a nazi flag you should be shot in the face. Stop wasting oxygen on those scum.

    • TechyDad
      1810 months ago

      I feel the same way. I’m tolerant of many different opinions. Basically, as long as you’re not hurting yourself or other people, go for it.

      But when someone calls for the death of someone else, I draw the line. I’m Jewish and, sadly, dealt with Nazis before. Back in high school (about 30 years ago), I started talking with a kid. This kid (unbeknownst to me when we started talking) worshipped Hitler. He told me outright “the only thing Hitler did wrong was not finishing the job.” Yes, the kid knew I’m Jewish and no he wasn’t "just being edgy.

      Now, I’ve always been an easy going person. I’m not prone to violence at all. However, when this kid essentially told me that my family and I should be killed, I lost it. A friend of mine had to hold me back because I was going to punch Nazi kid in his face.

      Unfortunately, these people fell comfortable being open about their Nazi views. That’s because the Republicans have decided to drop all dogwhistles and fully support the bigots of the country in their goal of oppressing anyone even slightly different.

    • @some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org
      2110 months ago

      Culture Warlords: My Journey Into the Dark Web of White Supremacy

      Talia Lavin is every skinhead’s worst nightmare: a loud and unapologetic Jewish woman, acerbic, smart, and profoundly antiracist, with the investigative chops to expose the tactics and ideologies of online hatemongers. Culture Warlords is the story of how Lavin, a frequent target of extremist trolls (including those at Fox News), dove into a byzantine online culture of hate and learned the intricacies of how white supremacy proliferates online.

      I had already purchased this book after hearing a podcast interview. Then, I heard another interview where Talia stood her ground against some kinda shitty interview tactics by Brianna Grey Joy and realized, oh, I have that book, and I immediately started reading it. It was excellent.

      Shitty podcast interview (which is excellent because of Talia and shitty because of Brianna) here (I tried to find a link to the audio podcast, but it was a pita. You can see part of it on a YouTube link or look for the true audio from Sept 2021 by loading the RSS of the Bad Faith podcast.).

      I won’t thump my chest. I fear violence. But violence is called for and justified regarding these pieces of shit. I’m posting this twice because I want it to be in the main thread and because I’m responding to the Talia-method: see => punch

      • @assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world
        -510 months ago

        I’d like to say I’m surprised that Grey asked a Jewish woman if she learned anything useful for building coalitions with white supremacists and Nazis… but I’m not. A certain section of the terminally online left seems convinced that all bigotry and supremacy is “economic anxiety”, and if you propose good economic policies then Nazis will be cured.

  • @Hadriscus@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    Oh lord. “The order of the black sun”, “the hammer”, “blood tribe”… it’s all edgy manchildren, ain’t it?

    Perhaps something ought to be done while they’re gathered in the same place?

      • @RIPandTERROR@lemmy.blahaj.zone
        2010 months ago

        Incorrect. They know their actions will cause them backlash, but this is born out of fanaticism. Their moral compass is already skewed so much that instead of believing is wrong, they believe they would be persecuted for doing the right thing.

        Significantly fucked up people.

      • TechyDad
        3910 months ago

        That’s only if you wear a mask to prevent a deadly viral infection from spreading. Apparently, masks are perfectly safe if you’re using them to prevent yourself from being identified when you publicly proclaim your extreme bigotry.

    • @el_bhm@lemm.ee
      10 months ago

      Because it is staged and paid for.

      Who benefits from US delving into civil unrest and/or war?

  • @fruitleatherpostcard@lemm.ee
    4410 months ago

    This is really fucked up. These people’s grandparents will be rolling in their graves, wanting to strangle their descendants.

  • @tsonfeir@lemm.ee
    3910 months ago

    Pussy ass bitches have to wear masks. We should just follow them home and post their addresses

  • @Hazdaz@lemmy.world
    3710 months ago

    I’d like to think that when people in the center and on the left look at stories like this they realize how little our differences are compared to the lunatics on the right. I’d love to see liberals and centrisfs finally fall in-line and combine to fight these fascist fucks, but then I wake up and realize it will never happen.

    • the american liberals are mostly conservatives by european standards and the centrists are right wing populists. Then you got the fascists, that are the republican party nowadays.

      Noone of them will see a risk in the rise of fascist violence, until it will be their family that will be murdered.

      • @Daft_ish@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        Why don’t people realize we aren’t kidding around? The GOP is being lead by fascists. It’s going to be 10 years from now and people are going to say, “if we only knew!”

      • @SCB@lemmy.world
        -110 months ago

        Conservatives by European standards have nothing in common with liberals in the US unless you are solely talking about, like, Norway.

        Spain, Italy, Hungary, Turkey, Germany, France and more all have Conservative parties that are vastly different from and opposed to American liberals.

    • @31337@sh.itjust.works
      1410 months ago

      The centrists are the liberals. The Rep party and most “centrists” are now fascist and fascist-tolerating. There are many people who aren’t outwardly bigoted or authoritarian and only care about a few issues such as abortion (religious people), guns (rural people), or taxes (higher income people). These people will vote on these issues and tolerate any amount of bigotry and fascism as long as they don’t think it will affect them.

        • stevedidWHAT
          10 months ago

          You literally just slapped “pro-fascist” on the first one with 0 actual evidence

          #2 is a grey point that of course can be argued any which way. (Classic)

          You’d think if this was a strong point you’d have some better examples :)

            • stevedidWHAT
              710 months ago

              The mental gymnastics lmfao.

              Taking away the ability of the government to control a public option = fascism because people made money off it.

              The word you’re looking for is capitalist pig and I agree with you.

                • stevedidWHAT
                  510 months ago

                  What shows?

                  Who wanted more conservative voices? Why is that fascist?

                  Why is (yet again) capitalism being equated directly to fascism.

                  I just think you like saying that word tbh. May I ask what age demographic you’re in by chance?

                • @SCB@lemmy.world
                  210 months ago

                  Conservative talk radio predates Clinton by over 2 decades, and is what led to the rise in Trumpism.

  • @Hadriscus@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    These cunts have no idea what they’re playing with. They should visit WWII memorials or concentration camps. What a sad, sad sight

  • @some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org
    1510 months ago

    Culture Warlords: My Journey Into the Dark Web of White Supremacy

    Talia Lavin is every skinhead’s worst nightmare: a loud and unapologetic Jewish woman, acerbic, smart, and profoundly antiracist, with the investigative chops to expose the tactics and ideologies of online hatemongers. Culture Warlords is the story of how Lavin, a frequent target of extremist trolls (including those at Fox News), dove into a byzantine online culture of hate and learned the intricacies of how white supremacy proliferates online.

    I had already purchased this book after hearing a podcast interview. Then, I heard another interview where Talia stood her ground against some kinda shitty interview tactics by Brianna Grey Joy and realized, oh, I have that book, and I immediately started reading it. It was excellent.

    Shitty podcast interview (which is excellent because of Talia and shitty because of Brianna) here (I tried to find a link to the audio podcast, but it was a pita. You can see part of it on a YouTube link or look for the true audio from Sept 2021 by loading the RSS of the Bad Faith podcast.).

    I won’t thump my chest. I fear violence. But violence is called for and justified regarding these pieces of shit. I’m posting this twice because I want it to be in the main thread and because I’m responding to the Talia-method: see => punch

    • @BonesOfTheMoon@lemmy.world
      310 months ago

      So I did this but I don’t have a book deal for it, I have a fake white supremacist Facebook account and I infiltrated white supremacists. Have done it since 2015. It’s quite hilarious because they’re all so stupid and they have yet to figure out why they keep getting their accounts banned.