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Conservatives Quickly Turn Against ā€œIdiotā€ Marjorie Taylor Greene

The Georgia Republican is fast falling out of favor for her opposition to the Ukraine aid bill.

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greeneā€™s failed fight to end aid to Ukraine, and herĀ sort-of-serious crusadeĀ against House Speaker Mike Johnson, has cost her the support of right-wing media.

The Sunday front page of the New York Post, owned by the conservative Murdoch family, was the latest outlet toĀ attackĀ Greene, invoking the ā€œMoscow Marjorieā€ nicknameĀ coinedĀ by former representative Ken Buck.

Fox News, another arm of the Murdoch media empire, had alreadyĀ taken aimĀ at the Georgia Republican last week, with columnist Liz PeekĀ callingĀ her an ā€œidiotā€ and saying she needs to ā€œturn all that bombastic self-serving showmanship and drama queen energy on Democrats.ā€ This follows an editorial last month from The Wall Street Journal, also in the Murdoch portfolio, that called Greene ā€œRep. Mayhem Taylor Greeneā€ and accused her and her allies of being ā€œmost interested in TV hits and internet donors.ā€

Even a non-Murdoch outlet is on the attack, as conservative Las Vegas Review-Journal columnist Debra SaundersĀ demandedĀ to know ā€œwho put Marjorie Taylor Greene in charge?ā€

    47ā€¢2 months ago

    So they knew she was a moron all along, but were perfectly content to let her do her thing as long as she only attacked democrats. Sounds about right.

    14ā€¢2 months ago

    Over the weekend, a Russian state TV host described Greene as ā€œa real beauty. She is a blond who wears white coats with a fur collar. Sheā€™s demonstrably heterosexual.ā€

    Finally, someone is recognizing her fantastic looks. /s

    • NeuromancerM
      -13ā€¢2 months ago

      She isnā€™t bad looking. The problem is she is nuts. She doesnā€™t represent the party and I think the party will be better when she leaves

        11ā€¢2 months ago

        She doesnā€™t represent the party

        Are you sure about that?

        If you said Santos, Iā€™d agree. MTG seems pretty spot on though.

        • NeuromancerM
          -8ā€¢2 months ago

          No, MTG isnā€™t what I would consider a mainstream Republican. I donā€™t know anyone who likes her other than the people who vote for her. The same thing goes for Boebert.

          Matt Gaetz is one that most people donā€™t like but he keeps teaming up with AOC with bills, along with Josh Hawley. At least they are trying to get things passed.

          MTG just tries to block things and whine. She is the Republican equivalent of the squad.

            4ā€¢2 months ago

            Matt Gaetz is one that most people donā€™t like but he keeps teaming up with AOC with bills

            Mr Gaetz and Ms OC actually share a goal at all? Thatā€™s a surprise! To hear theyā€™ve worked together on a bill that advances both their constituentsā€™ goals is another shocker.

            • NeuromancerM
              -5ā€¢2 months ago

              Once? Try several.

              Yet thatā€™s what we should want. People working together

        6ā€¢2 months ago

        Thereā€™s only two people Iā€™ve seen who look like actual dogs given human form: Ron Perlman and Marjorie Taylor Green.

        3ā€¢2 months ago

        She looks terrible when sheā€™s screaming and acting like a lunatic. I associate her image with snapshots from her breaking decorum in shameful ways, which makes her appear quite ugly as a person and hence physically ugly in those moments. If I knew nothing about her and only saw a picture of her looking normal, Iā€™d think thereā€™s nothing to comment upon.

    2 months ago

    LFG, that bitch is the only person in modernity I can safely say deserves a muzzle (the kind you put on dogs, idk if there are any other meanings for the word but if so then Iā€™m gonna make myself painfully clear that I donā€™t endorse violence, just putting contraptions over idiot politicians mouths to keep them from being a danger to society)

  • realcaseyrollins
    -10ā€¢2 months ago

    As a conservative myself, NYP and Fox News messaging doesnā€™t represent the true values or positions of the GOP base.

    While most Republican politicians support continuing to fund Ukraine with no end, most Republicans are at most cautious of that idea, if not opposed to it altogether. Thereā€™s a big reason why the GOP presidential candidates were trying so hard to convince the audience that funding the war is a good idea.

    • sj_zero
      14ā€¢2 months ago

      I strongly suspect that most Democrats donā€™t actually want to fund a bunch of forever wars either. I mean, thatā€™s what Obama was elected for, he just turned out to do the opposite of everything he was elected to do. ā€œHelp the poor, end the wars, shut down gitmo? I agree but letā€™s tweak it to help the 0.1%, keep the wars going forever, keep gitmo going!ā€

      • NeuromancerM
        2ā€¢2 months ago

        Everyone has said they would shut down Gitmo, and then they do not.

        Gitmo served a purpose in the early days of the war and quickly lost that purpose. It should have been shutdown a long time ago.

        • I donā€™t think I agree with you about Gitmo ever serving a purpose. It was entirely outside of Geneva Conventions and served as a secure prison for anyone deemed an enemy of the state, including US citizens. Torture was regularly practiced and there was no oversight; it was an oubliette into which people disappeared for years, with no representation or recourse. Gitmo was everything the US should stand against, when we consider our highest ideals and morals.

          The US has plenty of blood on its hands, but Gitmo was out in the open; there was no subtlety, it wasnā€™t a ā€œdark secret.ā€ The only thing it accomplished was to prove that you can scare the current American public enough that theyā€™ll accept nearly anything, including stuff that would have outraged the WWII US public.

          • NeuromancerM
            1ā€¢2 months ago

            It was entirely outside of Geneva Conventions

            Gitmo had nothing to do with Geneva. It dealt with US law. If we brought them back to our soil, theyā€™d have full protections under the constitution.

            Gitmo was supposed to be a stop gap while we figured out what that meant.

            I was there for about six months. Obviously canā€™t get into details but it needs to be shutdown. Itā€™s lived long past its purpose. The things that went on there are a black eye to our country.

            • Gitmo had nothing to do with Geneva. It dealt with US law. If we brought them back to our soil, theyā€™d have full protections under the constitution.

              Isnā€™t that where the GC comes in? The convention isnā€™t about applying your countryā€™s laws, but about ethical standards for treatment of enemy combatants. Gitmo being not on our soil is where Geneva should have come into play.

              I was there for about six months

              Iā€™m sorry about that; maybe some people enjoyed working there, but I think it would have messed me up.

              • NeuromancerM
                2ā€¢2 months ago

                Isnā€™t that where the GC comes in?

                No. Geneva has nothing to do with it. We have to comply with Geneva anywhere.

                We picked gitmo specifically because itā€™s not US soil.

                There is the whole debate if they weee protected under Geneva and if they was law enforcement, etc. but gitmo was only selected to avoid US law.

                • Yah I think weā€™re talking past one another. I wasnā€™t debating where Gitmo was located; when I said it was ā€œoutside Genevaā€ I meant it was operating outside of the agreements of the Geneva Conventions. Torture is not allowed for captured enemy combatants under the convention; prisoners at Gitmo were tortured. Gitmo was not obeying the conventions.

                  Iā€™m sure there are all sorts of loopholes engaged in what went on there; were insurgents technically ā€œenemy combatants?ā€ By classifying them as ā€œterroristsā€ were they excluded from protection? Since they werenā€™t wearing military uniforms, were they excluded from protection? Is waterboarding technically torture?

                  But nobody in the world is going to being the US in for trial, so the question was moot: we all knew Gitmo defied the spirit of the Geneva Convention; this is why I say it didnā€™t serve a purpose. We know torture is an unreliable way of gathering intel. If I waterboard you enough, eventually youā€™ll name your own child as a terrorist if I want you to.

          • NeuromancerM
            2 months ago

            I may have to check that one out.

            What disappoints me is both parties have lost interest in closing gitmo

      • realcaseyrollins
        -12ā€¢2 months ago

        Well, I donā€™t know. Democrats are more vocal about it for sure, but thatā€™s just because many of them hate either Jews or Israel. Democrats seem to love Ukraine, and would like to keep funding them, while Republicans seem to not care about them at all.

        • sj_zero
          5ā€¢2 months ago

          Iā€™m making a distinction between the rank and file and the media, I donā€™t really believe most rank and file are really like whatever the media or the like claimā€¦ I mean if they really did flip 180 like that then it makes them incredibly disingenuous peopleā€¦

    • NeuromancerM
      -9ā€¢2 months ago

      I support Ukraine, but we have to limit what we send. We canā€™t send things that most likely would be captured, or that would put the United States at risk by depleting our stockpiles. It isnā€™t our war to fight.

        11ā€¢2 months ago

        It isnā€™t our war to fight? Do you have idea what happens if Ukraine loses, and Putin absorbs that territory? Donā€™t suffer Trumpā€™s lies, we absolutely do need NATO.

        • NeuromancerM
          -5ā€¢2 months ago

          If Ukraine falls, as an American how does it change my life? It doesnā€™t. What treaties do we have with Ukraine for defense? Zero.

          And who mentioned nato? Ukraine isnā€™t a member of nato

            2ā€¢2 months ago

            If Ukraine falls, it makes Russia more likely to invade other places, and it makes China more likely to invade Taiwan.

            We can either end this war now by punishing Russia enormously, or the war grows to become WW3.

            • NeuromancerM
              1ā€¢2 months ago

              Maybe our NATO allies should have spent that 2% as was suggested.

              We need to prepare for Taiwan, where we have a verbal agreement.

              I have no issues sending weapons to Ukraine but it canā€™t be at the expense of Israel and Taiwan.

              I am 100% against sending boots on the ground unless they keep attacking nuclear plants. That is an attack on humanity.

                • NeuromancerM
                  1ā€¢2 months ago

                  According to our government they are not. We also have strong support for Israel. We have to meet our obligations else others wonā€™t take us seriously.

                  If you feel our support is unjustified. Write your senator. Israel has a special relationship with America and right or wrong, I donā€™t see that changing.

      • Eh. The US has twice proven that it can ramp up war production enough to go from essentially no war capacity to overwhelming force very quickly. Weapons manufacturers are salivating at the chance to satisfy wartime demand. And who are we holding back in fear of? China? If we get into a tangle with China, weapons reserves are going to be the least of our concerns. Russia? Ukraine - tiny little Ukraine - is showing that the mighty Russian war machine is mostly faƧade over rusting or entirely missing parts. The only threat Russia presents the US right now is nuclear - and weapon stockpiles arenā€™t going to protect against that.

        So who are we afraid of? Canada? Honestly, I think Canada is the real threat; I think theyā€™ve been putting on a friendly face and biding their time, waiting until weā€™ve given all of our ordinance in support of another country, and then theyā€™ll sweep in and take back Old Fort Niagara, Youngstown, and Buffalo, and then theyā€™ll have all the tourists mwahahaha!

        This ā€œholding in reserveā€ is a cop-out. Weā€™re giving Ukraine stock that was due to be rotated out for newer stuff anyway; they arenā€™t getting latest-gen anything, and if the US goes into any conflict and burns through enough latest-gen munitions and has to reach into old stockpiles, I think weā€™re in for a rough ride no matter what.

        • NeuromancerM
          0ā€¢2 months ago

          Are you talking about ww1 and Ww2? Those were very different times.

          they arenā€™t getting latest-gen anything

          This is the easiest way to tell someone never served or has any military experience.

          The javelin, patriot, 155mm, stinger, mlrs rockets, etc are all current issue. Isnā€™t the exact same thing we fight with. Itā€™s the latest generation of fighting weapons.

          • Oh, yeah? Your meter is completely off, then.

            Ordinance gets replaced on the regular. A lot of it gets used during training. When I was in, once a year weā€™d go to the range and get issued a ton of everything: cans of ammo, grenades of all sorts (but mostly smoke, and no CS, and no LAWs). Weā€™d be there most of the day. More than once Saw gunners from our platoon would would melt barrels trying to go through all the ammo we were issued. One time, there was still a dead tree standing down range and my buddy and I spent about an hour trying to cut it down by shooting it with our M16s. Even the TOW gunners were there doing their thing, and they were usually pretty stingy with the TOWs. I think they left out the CS and LAWs because someone in command decided that was just a little too risky; but otherwise they have us a ton of everything. Like, we would be there all day, trying to find things to shoot at from our trench.

            There was no objective to these exercises except to burn ammo. There were no targets except some rusted out old trucks, like maybe deuce & halfs? They were fairly unrecognizable by the time we saw them. Some long-dead tree trunks. Now that Iā€™ve spent some decades in corporate US, what it reminded me must of was departments wildly trying to spend the rest of their budgets before yearā€™s end.

            It was glorious; just sending destruction downrange with nobody shooting back. Maybe there was some hidden purpose, but there orders were: ā€œhereā€™s ammo. Shoot it all.ā€

            • NeuromancerM
              0ā€¢2 months ago

              Then you should know we are giving Ukraine very formidable weapons. I get tired of people downplaying the quality of weapons we are sending. We are sending some solid weapons to Ukraine. Itā€™s not old obsolete equipment. Itā€™s the same equipment we use.

              And law? That would date you. I never saw a law only the at-4