I’ve played a lot of Binding of Isaac: Rebirth this week. I was surprised that I remembered what most of the items do and which trinkets are bad. But my muscle memory has faded completely at this point and I die a lot.
I also dabbled a little bit with Stronghold: Crusader. Always a classic
played some MtG, I’m not good enough at draft yet to do more than “haha

go brrr”
been a while but it’s still good fun
Whenever a new set comes out, the first draft I do goes great, then I do two more, go like 0-3 or 1-3 and give up. Genuinely just too stressful to gamble with your gold and gems (even though I don’t use them for anything else)
Is that in-game currency from Arena or something? I haven’t actually played any of the video game versions yet, just fucking around with my old cards and friends who have cards.
For a while I consistently went to drafts because it was a budget method of collecting cards. The first time after a while you go to a non-draft pre-sealed you’ll get some honest-to-goodness wins in.
When I’ve got some more disposable income I’d like to do that once in a while. In the meantime I’m starting to build a draft cube out of a bunch of random cards I got off ebay 20 years ago.