Approval requires at least nine votes in favour, with no vetoes. The UNSC’s five permanent members – the US, Russia, China, France and Britain – hold vetoes.

But the US has indicated that its opposition to Palestinian member status in the UN, in the absence of a broader deal with Israel, stays intact.

“Our position has not changed,” Robert Wood, US deputy ambassador to the UN, said last week.

    43 months ago

    Who exactly would represent Palestine? Hamas? Because that’s an easy “hell no”.

    Although this point should be extremely obvious, I’m going to qualify it because I know what the knee jerk reaction will be.

    Hamas is awful. The Palestinian people aren’t. The people deserve peace and representation.

    Support for Hamas from Palestinians is a natural byproduct of decades of repression at the hands of Isreal, and I do not blame them for the resentment that lead to support extremists enough for Hamas to take control. Like I said, it’s a pretty natural result of their treatment.

    But Hamas itself is bad, and as the controlling faction, should negate membership to the UN.

      73 months ago

      I get the reasoning, but not a single country has ever been kicked out of the UN for having crazy/terrorist/genocidal leaders. So why should having a palatable government be a criterium to join? And anyway, I thought Hamas only controls Gaza. The West Bank is larger, and has a slightly larger population, and it is controlled by Fatah (AFAIK). So the seat would likely end up under Fatah control, no?

        33 months ago

        Fatah doesn’t control the West Bank because it’s more popular there, the IDF just couldn’t help them seize power in Gaza when they lost the election in 2006. If anything Hamas is a little bit more popular in the West Bank.

    3 months ago

    The US government is loyal to Israel before its own citizens.

    Heck, we literally suffered 9/11 because of Israel and we still show unwavering support.

    Fuck Zionists. Fuck Nazisrael.

      113 months ago

      Can you link me some reading material about this?

      we literally suffered 9/11 because of Israel

      I’ve never once heard Israel come up in the story of 9/11

        3 months ago

        Sure! Here is Osama Bin Laden’s letter “To the American People.” the American people.pdf

        “As for us, our Iraq was invaded in response to pressure from capitalists with greed for black gold, and you continue to support the oppressive Israelis in their occupation of our Palestine in response to pressures on your administration by a Jewish lobby backed by enormous financial capabilities.”

        “They threw hundreds of thousands of soldiers against us and have formed an alliance with the Israelis to oppress us and occupy our land; that was the reason for our response on the eleventh.”

        It’s sad how in 2024, Americans still don’t know about this. He made it very clear with no room for ambiguity.

        It went viral on tiktok awhile ago, then they started censoring anyone who shared it. I’m not saying jews control the media, but it’s clear that those who oppose Zionism are faced with censorship and ostracization, especially in the business-world.

        The facts just don’t lie, unfortunately.

        • Edwardthefma99✡
          3 months ago

          Pointing out a fact not all Jews are Zionists they don’t control anything if they did we all would allredy be prepared for the journey to the promised land Jews and gentile

            83 months ago

            Absolutely. We’ve all heard the “jews control the media” rhetoric from 4chan.

            I’m pointing out that there is definitely some truth to Zionists controlling the media, as we see everyday with people losing jobs and facing censorship for support of Palestine.

            I think it’s in the best interests of Jews to distance themselves from Zionists as much as possible.

              23 months ago

              If Zionists controlled the media, there wouldn’t be coverage of the atrocities in Palestine on western TV news every night. I think that idea is a bit exaggerated.

              3 months ago

              I think it’s in the best interests of Jews to distance themselves from Zionists as much as possible.

              Yes but do you condemn Hamas? Maybe, to save on breath, Jews should all just walk around with crossed-out David’s stars? Or maybe instead of blue/white ones plain yellow ones to make the difference clear?

              …I know I’m being overly aggressive right now but this “Whole ethnicity should condemn bad actors they have nothing to do with” shit is utterly unproductive and insulting. I mean there’s some validity in e.g. asking Americans to condemn Trump, at least they can vote for him or not. Or to ask American Jews to comment on AIPAC. The majority of Jews are not Israelis, they have no say in what Israel is up to. It’s like asking Harry from Newcastle in, in a pub in Newcastle, whether he condemns Trump, after all, he’s Anglophone surely there must be a connection. Consider for example that all those bankers speak English…

                23 months ago

                Why would I condemn Hamas? They’re not doing anything that Israel hasn’t already done to them first.

                  -53 months ago

                  Oh boy. For one, they’re fascists oppressing Palestinians. For two, they’re the Palestinian version of the Kahanites keeping the conflict boiling.

                  Hamas is not the PLO and unless you’re an ass-backwards Islamist, they’re definitely not on your side.

          -13 months ago

          Yes, Bin Ladin hated Jews and the state of Israel.

          Jews or Israel are not responsible for his actions.

          To everybody reading this who may consider agreeing, may I just ask how large of a leap it is to go from being explicitly pro-terrorist to becoming a terrorist? In my mind, it’s maybe not a leap.