Oldie but goodie.

Transcript: Tweet by the SRSLY wrong podcast. Content: “message to my enemies: when the revolution comes you’re not just gonna get the wall, buddy, you’re gonna get four walls, a roof, clean clothes, good food, education, and quality health care because that’s what every human being alive deserves”

  • @brbposting@sh.itjust.works
    323 months ago

    The Sirius Cybernetics Corporation is the primary manufacturer and supplier of androids, robots and autonomic assistants for the known universe. They are known for their catchy jingles and catchphrases, which are supplied by their Marketing Department.

    The corporation is not known for the quality of their products, and almost all of their known inventions are faulty.

    Their primary claim to fame seems to be constructing just about everything with (unstable) advanced robotics and software. From doors to lifts, to toaster ovens, drinks machines, vacuum cleaners, and “personal massage units” – Everything has been built with a full GPP or Genuine People Personality. This means that even a set of airlock doors has emotions, hopes, dreams, intelligence, and worse of all, the capacity for boredom. It should come as no surprise then, that the majority of these devices have a neurotic streak a mile wide.

    The company motto is “Share and Enjoy.” This is widely adaptable, from synthesised drinks to the company of a robot, or “Your plastic pal who’s fun to be with”, as their robots are described as by the aforementioned Marketing Department.

    The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy describes the Marketing Department of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation as: “A bunch of mindless jerks who’ll be the first against the wall when the revolution comes.”

    Curiously, an edition of the Encyclopedia Galactica which fell through a rift in the time-space continuum from 1000 years in the future describes the Marketing Department of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation as: “A bunch of mindless jerks who were the first against the wall when the revolution came.”

    Only their complaints department survived the general economic implosion of the company as a whole.

    -Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy via Fandom; Wiki

    • @mojo_raisin@lemmy.world
      113 months ago

      The corporation is not known for the quality of their products, and almost all of their known inventions are faulty.

      Their primary claim to fame seems to be constructing just about everything with (unstable) advanced robotics and software. From doors to lifts, to toaster ovens, drinks machines, vacuum cleaners, and “personal massage units”

      Sounds like if Yamaha had Boeing’s executive team

  • @bss03@infosec.pub
    3 months ago

    I remember /r/SandersForPresident echoing this refrain. “When Sanders takes office we are going to line up the opposition and give them exactly what they deserve… (beat) …free healthcare.”

  • @Bartsbigbugbag@lemmy.ml
    133 months ago

    I have stickers that say this from the Patreon, and I gave one to my little elementary school age brother because he collects stickers, and he stuck it right on his school iPad. I’ve never been more proud of him haha

      • @Lumisal@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        I’m talking that such a revolution can’t be peaceful to happen because there exists powerful parties that are very interested in keeping the status quo who will NOT hesitate to use death squads to stop you from changing the status quo.

        Good luck convincing companies like Black Rock, that have both huge investments in housing properties and paramilitary, to just let everyone have free housing, or Nestle (who I hope I don’t even have to cover the atrocities they have and still do) to let people have free water, when the CEO has himself publicly stated he doesn’t think people are entitled to water.

        Also, never said death squads, but nice strawman.

        • @Prunebutt@slrpnk.netOP
          23 months ago

          such a revolution can’t be peaceful to happen

          Never said anything about it not being peaceful. “Getting the wall” is an executional method. There’s a difference between enacting violence and executing people.

          Also, never said death squads, but nice strawman.

          What do you think “getting the wall” means? O.o

            • @Prunebutt@slrpnk.netOP
              13 months ago

              Like… nice deflection and if you don’t want to continue the argument, that’s fine, but… Is that it?

              All that contrarian shit and accusing me of strawmanning and all that and it ends with an insincere, sarcastic comment?

              • @Lumisal@lemmy.world
                13 months ago

                Yeah. After thinking about it, it’s not like the USA will ever have a revolution as much as a forced civil war, if it happens, and then violence would be inevitable.

                So arguing about a utopia that can’t peacefully happen is really redundant.

                • @Prunebutt@slrpnk.netOP
                  13 months ago

                  Still not getting your point. Not sure you used “redundant” correctly here.

                  You do know that there’s more that the US in the world, right?

        • @brbposting@sh.itjust.works
          53 months ago

          The exact number of police officers in the world is not known, but it is estimated to be around 10 million.

          ”…But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer” (Romans 13:3–4)

          For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son… with the exception of certain groups of millions of people - not even if like three of them are impoverished BIPOC trans agitators who decided they needed to be on the inside to make change and are now in the process of being fired

          (To clarify, cops beat their wives, choke black men to death, and shoot dogs, but the law of large numbers is on their side when it comes to certain specific individuals in certain departments regardless of their place in a broken system)

          • @thesporkeffect@lemmy.world
            33 months ago

            I will strongly disagree with the methodogy of these hypothetical agitators, but they are also not cops in this context, they’re saboteurs and I have no problem with them. It seems unlikely that this type of person would be hired by any PD, though.

            • @brbposting@sh.itjust.works
              23 months ago

              Very fair, thank you for such a civil reply.

              Something that surprised me, given that whole MURDER business I mentioned, was learning this a few years ago:

              If you hadn’t seen these stats before, do they complicate your views at all or perhaps fit right in? (I know it would be interesting if the survey asked the same/more police crowd whether they wouldn’t rather have some new organization take over. Not sure how that would be accomplished of course.)

              • @Cataphract@lemmy.ml
                53 months ago

                So you just happen to have what looks like a cropped screenshot from a 2020 gallup survey saved for the past couple of years? Interesting that you felt it wasn’t prudent to also save and upload the rest of the results for full context or link the actual source for others. Doesn’t make your intentions with the limited information sketchy at all.

                Although Black Americans seem about as comfortable as Americans overall with the amount of police presence where they live, they differ markedly in their perceptions of how their local police might treat them if they were to interact. Fewer than one in five Black Americans feel very confident that the police in their area would treat them with courtesy and respect.

                Bottom Line - It’s not so much the volume of interactions Black Americans have with the police that troubles them or differentiates them from other racial groups, but rather the quality of those interactions. Most Black Americans want the police to spend at least as much time in their area as they currently do, indicating that they value the need for the service that police provide. However, that exposure comes with more trepidation for Black than White or Hispanic Americans about what they might experience in a police encounter. And those harboring the least confidence that they will be treated well, or who have had negative encounters in the past, are much more likely to want the police presence curtailed.

                These results correspond with Gallup’s previously reported findings showing that only 22% of Black Americans favor abolishing police departments. However, the vast majority believe reform is needed, with upward of 90% favoring specific reforms aimed at improving police relations with the communities they serve and preventing or punishing abusive police behavior.


                The stats and full survey are not surprising when given their proper context. Does seeing the full results of the “web poll” done by gallup change your perspective at all?

                • @brbposting@sh.itjust.works
                  43 months ago

                  Saved since I DuckDuckGo’d for that survey yesterday! (Time highlighted at top)

                  Bouncing around in my mind for four years, since seeing the Bay Area get a bit torn up by anti-police protests (incl. by well-meaning white folks, and due to the survey I always felt conflicted).

                  link the actual source for others.

                  I’m pretty good about the linking :) (note, comment was not edited - can check on your end) Not as good about writing alt-text for accessibility but getting better.

                  Anyway same URL as you.

                  courtesy and respect.

                  So discouraging.

                  upward of 90% favoring specific reforms aimed at improving police relations

                  I guess that’s the move. I alluded to the likely desire to replace police with new-age enforcers and said I didn’t know how that’d work. The survey respondents are more reasonable than me then, taking aim at specific reforms rather than having a pie in the sky dream.

                  I’m all for it. Those numbers are unacceptable.

                  The person I would be at odds with wouldn’t be you, but someone who has this determined “abolish police 100%” stance. Survey shows that’s not popular. I’d love me some good reform!

        • @m4xie@slrpnk.net
          23 months ago

          Didn’t he call on God to forgive his executioners, while it was still happening? He said he loved everyone. I’m not a Christian, but Jesus was pretty rad. I wish more people would follow his teachings, not whatever they call this.

  • @Harbinger01173430@lemmy.world
    03 months ago

    Can I get a house and free money to invest so I don’t have to become a wage slave in the new economy pls? I just want free money and peace

    • poVoq
      3 months ago

      Have “the rest of us” lost nearly all their belongings and had to flee in fear of their lives to another country where they have to start from zero? Because that is what it means to be a refugee.

      But I suspect you are just trolling. Go somewhere else with your vile and self-defeating us-vs-them rethoric.

      • @Signtist@lemm.ee
        183 months ago

        Yeah, we’d be a hell of a lot closer to true equality if groups of people who are among those who need help the most were already truly receiving it.

        Unfortunately, the world as it’s currently designed only allows people to live well if they take from others, and those who are prepared to do that have long since realized they live a lot longer if they convince the people they’re stepping on that it’s the guy next to them they should hate, not the guy on top of them.

    • @ozmot@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      You know those jobs people like you always say those pesky immigrants are taking away from us but the reality is you cant get any Americans to do them? Iv had one of those jobs. Iv done construction where i was the only guy who spoke english instead of Spanish. And i can tell you for damn sure those guys are getting anything for free.

      Either you’re a troll or you got a bad case of social media brain rot.

    • @Deceptichum@sh.itjust.works
      3 months ago

      The difference between me and op is I’d rather give people like you a bullet.

      How about instead of complaining about refugees, you go after the companies and billionaires who’ve fucked the world over and stolen your wealth?

        • @Deceptichum@sh.itjust.works
          3 months ago

          Because people who want to target the weak and innocent over the greedy and abusive are the biggest enablers of the world’s problems.

          Considering despite having access to the Internet and all the resources that entails, they still spout such nonsense means they can’t be convinced otherwise through reasoning.

          In other words, for a better world they need to go. They chose the hard way and I’m sick of catering to them as people suffer.

          The better question to ask is will you radicalise before the world is dead?

            • DessertStorms
              3 months ago

              Imagine posting such a meme (and claiming you support anarchism) but being (or acting) completely ignorant of the paradox of tolerance…

              The reason we don’t have human rights for all is because of people with a vested interest in oppressing others and the systems they maintain, and most will never willingly just give up their power (yes, including the power to be one up from the bottom but being able to punch down at another marginalised group, eg immigrants).

              Which is why there is zero room to tolerate bigotry and oppression, nor those who, given a chance to be better, still refuse.

              • @Prunebutt@slrpnk.netOP
                3 months ago

                I never claimed I was against self defense. I just refuse to accept the IDF’s definition of the word.

                • DessertStorms
                  3 months ago

                  Have you replied to the wrong person? If not, what the fuck does the IDF’s definition of anything have to do with this conversation?

            • @Signtist@lemm.ee
              53 months ago

              At the end of the day, it’ll just be the people in charge of whatever band of rebels comes out on top, and whatever local faction of them ends up in power across the country as a result of that. That’s all the founding fathers of the US were. We like to think of them as heroes, but they and their constituents were just the guys who got to choose who was a traitor and who wasn’t. History painted the winners more colorfully than they were, as it always does.

              I’m sure the birth of my country was a terrifying time for anyone who wasn’t squarely proven to be aligned with the revolution, and the same will be true when people have had enough in modern times as well.

              • @Prunebutt@slrpnk.netOP
                63 months ago

                At the end of the day, it’ll just be the people in charge of whatever band of rebels comes out on top

                Yeah, reminds me of why I prefer anarchism, i.e. bottom-up decision making.

            • punkisundead [they/them]
              3 months ago

              You are on the list now, get ready to get purged because of one comment in which you questioned the holy revolution /s

          • punkisundead [they/them]
            13 months ago

            You are literally thinking about executing someone because of ONE comment they made and somehow act as if that is going to safe the world. Its just ridiculous.

            I am in no way or form against violent revolution, insurrection, riots, antifascist violence, self defense or plain revenge. But you just said that someone deserved to be executed because of one comment. Idk how a world where this is possible is something worth fighting for and I guess in the end, we wont be on the same side after all.

          • @Maalus@lemmy.world
            13 months ago

            Do the people calling for executions deserve to be executed themselves for being “rabid dogs” like you say? You are batshit insane. Stop calling for peoples’ deaths.

            • @Vigilante
              3 months ago

              Eh sure if i’m a really bad person like pedophiles, human traffickers, rapists etc etc. I’d want you to put a bullet in my head but as far as i’m aware i’m still not, but by all means if i go that way feel free . Also i wasn’t implying the commentors death but saying why some people deserve it and not saying someone should be executed for an edgy comment .

              • @Maalus@lemmy.world
                03 months ago

                You are calling for other people’s deaths and willing to kill. That makes you a murderer in the making.

                • @Vigilante
                  03 months ago

                  Oh by that logic you’d not even kill hitler . Also what do you think people do in wars kiss each other ? And i’m pretty sure you’d kill for YOUR life not just for others because you consider others life as lesser and is just a prick now gtfo of my face.

        • DessertStorms
          -33 months ago

          Why is it so easy for you to jump in to a conversation just to defend a bigot?

          • punkisundead [they/them]
            43 months ago

            I called a (maybe not) comrade out for their violent and authoritarian delusions. If that counts as defending someone who made a racist and factually wrong comment, I think I stay away from your crowd. Might get shot and stuff

            • DessertStorms
              23 months ago

              It’s the fact that you’re more concerned with the person threatening the bigot, than you are with the bigot threatening marginalised people, especially since one is hypothetical, and the other is very really happening all around you as we type.
              You’re just telling on your priorities, that’s all… ¯\(ツ)

              • punkisundead [they/them]
                33 months ago

                I reported the troll and moved on, I think my priorities are actually in a good place. I think its annoying that my open questions gets constructed as defending bigotry, but I guess its not easy to assume good faith on the internet.

        • @Daxtron2@startrek.website
          3 months ago

          Ah yes random right wing YouTube channel is a great source of factual information 👍 it’s not like all of the border states have been shipping their immigrants illegally to NYC or anything like that, no not at all.

            • @Daxtron2@startrek.website
              13 months ago

              Ok? And it’s been happening since NYCs inception. America is a nation of immigrants, it’s not a new thing in the slightest. It’s just the right has made it a culture war issue.

              • @LemmyKnowsBest@lemmy.world
                13 months ago

                let’s go back to the OP. Remember the topic here. The point is that our government is giving immigrants things that not even natural born citizens & military veterans are receiving. Free housing, free food, living stipends… The rest of us have to work and pay taxes for to earn these things for ourselves! Meanwhile illegal immigrants are getting it for free. What’s going on?