Seeing these posts make me glad I worked in food service to power through my autism.
Like someone else said, washing a buffet for 100 will get you through that shit quick. Same with food pickieness. Making assembly line style food and seeing how much really goes on from start to finish was an eye opener.
Fucking hated it but was worth it for perspective.
Seeing these posts make me glad I worked in food service to power through my autism.
Like someone else said, washing a buffet for 100 will get you through that shit quick. Same with food pickieness. Making assembly line style food and seeing how much really goes on from start to finish was an eye opener.
Fucking hated it but was worth it for perspective.
TIL that one can “power through autism”.
Works in a similar fashion as “praying the gay away”
“Be mindful of me, I’m autistic.”
“Just walk it off!”