Heyuh, any hot tips on how I can get the hell out of this abuse house? BioParents have decided that one ā€œnoā€ is far too many and theyā€™ve decided to try to break into my room. Theyā€™re yelling a bunch of bullshit and telling me to get out but also theyā€™re trying to work out how to break into my room?!

Iā€™m in rural northeastern Oklahoma; Iā€™ve got a bit of money (assuming they donā€™t rob me of that somehow) but no real means of supporting myself because Iā€™m autistic and agoraphobic in the middle of nowhere, relying on them for everything. Iā€™ve finally got just a little bit of help (some medications at least, nothing fancy) and itā€™s just too little too late I guess.

tl;dr: BioParents threatening, bullying me. Need some kind of lasting escape, need help creating my own life if such thing is possible. Need to never be here again.

Edit: Sorry, Iā€™m a bit scattered. Sorry if this is the wrong place for this. Couldnā€™t find anywhere that is. Also I may lose ā€œtheirā€ Internet connection because cutting me off from help is totally not abusing me but actually a reasonable way for them to ā€œtake back their propertyā€ (they want all of my keys as part of throwing me out, Iā€™ve never been able to deal with confrontation and they know itā€¦ blah blah BS). May be able to use my phoneā€¦ ugh.

Edit 2: They called the cops on me.
Edit 3: The guy with the Punisher tat explained that no one had done anything wrong but they canā€™t throw me out without going through the eviction process. BioMom has been through that process before (she used to run an apartment complex!) so she damn well knew she couldnā€™t do that, and that the cops wouldnā€™t help her unless they were just hardcore transphobes whoā€™d just as soon shoot me. No shock to me, the only logical reason she called them was to bully me harder or just get me killed.
Edit 4: Night now, managed a kitchen+toilet trip. Didnā€™t get thrown directly into jail nor ā€œinstitutionalizedā€ for daring to disobey my dear sweet loving and supportive (sarcasm) mother and her imaginary right to invade every detail of my life. Still donā€™t know where to go. Iā€™m too old for many things, too young for others. Kinda afraid (ashamed?) to even try to contact any kind of shelter because likeā€¦ theyā€™ve got a handful of rooms and Iā€™m gonna ask for one because Iā€™m a thirty-something loser whoā€™s broken and getting thrown out? They made me broken and theyā€™re throwing me out for trying to keep one single detail of my life from her butā€¦ damn, is that really fair to ask, when others have been through so much worse? Besides, probably nowhere has any space available, so Iā€™ll just be stressing over a phone call or whatever and get nothing from it but more stress. FML, wish Iā€™d been born to an actually decent family or not at all. (Edit 4b: No-go on the whole family/friends thing.)
Edit 5: Still alive! Feels like none of this is even real, like I mustā€™ve just dreamed it all. I think itā€™s this room messing with my head, like nothing can ever change. Am just yapping I guess šŸ¤· (Edit 5b: Oh, edits count as bumps. Sorry >.<; )
Edit 6: Now BioMomā€™s lashing out at BioDad too. Apparently sheā€™s going to take us to hell with her when/after(?) she dies. What the actual fuck. Anyway, in case he comes and kills me Iā€™d like to mention that the new name Iā€™ve been flirting with is Keris. Nocritter asked and Iā€™m in no state to be soul-searching right now but I kinda want to say it, I guess. Might as well try to be as me as I can when I donā€™t know if thereā€™s gonna be a me in ten minutes. On the plus side, if she decides to still go to her thing on Monday Iā€™ll have a window for escape. Just have to figure out how, and where to go.
Edit 6b: Okay, not dead yet. No idea whatā€™s going on out there; havenā€™t heard anything in a while. Realized I may sound a little insane being afraid of BioDad when BioMom is the one screaming about taking people to Hell with her. Sheā€™s very movement impaired and canā€™t get to my end of the house on her own. Sad, yes. Complicated. He, on the other paw, is as cruel as she lets him get by with. Heā€™s always been physically intimidating (though not yet ā€œviolentā€), verbally abusive, always looking to do as much damage as he can without her scolding him for it. So if sheā€™s not a factorā€¦ heā€™s a threat.
Edit/Update 7: They taped a seven-day eviction notice to my door. Looks like state law requires thirty but Idunno if I can last that long anyway, given Iā€™m afraid to even cross the lil hallway to get to the toilet. Iā€™m very not okay, I need somewhere safe to go, at least long enough to calm down and figure out what the hell to do but thereā€™s just nothing for it. Might be able to afford a hotel for a couple weeks if I donā€™t eat. Iā€™m not eating anyway so maybe thatā€™s not so bad. No friends, no family, no space in shelters (and I donā€™t meet anyoneā€™s criteria anyway), no place to go if I do manage to leave, no idea where else to even try or ask. Hell, Iā€™m almost out of bottled water too. If any brave adventurers wanna swoop in and rescue me, nowā€™s the time :-\

  • KeriKitty (They(/It))@pawb.socialOP
    11 months ago

    I didnā€™t know Google Flights was a thing :o Looks like the prices and flights are the same ones I saw on Expedia (dunno which is better/worse otherwise šŸ¤·) I like that it shows fares on the calendar thingle. Looks like middle of next month is a great time to fly to Minneapolis! ā€¦ Maybe Iā€™ll dare hope to manage that anyway.

    Iā€™ve always flown standby with some kinda pre-clearing thing, so between not having that and being trans I assume TSAā€™s gonna be more gropey and tedious than Iā€™ve experienced before. I kinda like wandering around malls, though, and itā€™s convenient when my flight is one of the shops. Thanks much for many advices and helps and talkings <3