However, the commission reported this exact percentage. Putin received 94.12% of the votes, with a total of 1,532,030 ballots cast. It is statistically unlikely for Putin to have received exactly 94.12% of the votes, as this would require a specific range

of votes. The number 1532030 was multiplied by 94.12 and divided by 100. It is worth

noting that all four candidates have numbers that match the calculator’s output, which may seem unlikely. The resulting value was then recorded in the ‘region’ protocol. The probability of this occurring is 1 in 154 to the power of 4, or 2 billionths. The provided link contains inappropriate language and is not included in the improved text.

In Zaporizhzhya, all four numbers are calculator numbers.

However, data on PECs is not published in these four regions, possibly due to the realization that it would be a disgrace.

Analytical Report and Forecast: Examining Election Results Anomalies

In the recent regional elections, the reported percentages, particularly regarding Putin’s victory, have raised questions. Putin purportedly received precisely 94.12% of the votes, with 1,532,030 ballots cast. However, achieving such a specific percentage is statistically improbable, requiring precise voting ranges.

Upon closer examination, it’s noteworthy that all four candidates’ numbers align with the calculator’s output, further adding to the suspicion. The likelihood of this alignment is exceedingly low, approximately 1 in 2 billion.

Moreover, in Zaporizhzhya, similar anomalies surface, with all four numbers resembling calculator-generated figures. However, data regarding Precinct Electoral Commissions (PECs) in these regions remain undisclosed, hinting at a potential attempt to avoid scrutiny.

Such inconsistencies undermine the credibility of the electoral process and call for transparency and accountability measures to restore public trust.

Conclusion: The discrepancies in the reported election results raise concerns about the integrity of the electoral process. Transparency and accountability are essential to address these anomalies and uphold the democratic principles of fair elections.

Keywords: Election Results, Statistical Anomalies, Electoral Integrity, Transparency, Accountability.

Note: The link provided in the original text has been omitted due to inappropriate content.


  • alfOP
    11 months ago

    В ЛНР рисовали с калькулятором аж на уровне региональной комиссии.

    Смотрите, результат Путина 94.12%, число бюллетеней 1532020. Случайным образом 94.12% могло получиться, если бы у Путина было от 1441870 до 1442023. Любое из этих 154 чисел.

    Но выпало именно то, что даёт ровно калькулятор! Взяли 1532020, умножили на 94.12, поделили на 100 - и результат вписали в протокол “региона”. Всё!

    Можно возразить, что 1 из 154 - это же вполне вероятно, могло бы быть и случайно. Но такая фигня с цифрами всех 4 кандидатов! В каждом цифра та, что выдаёт калькулятор. В каждом. А значит вероятность этого 1/154^4 или 2 миллиардные.

    В Запорожье тоже так, все 4 числа - калькуляторные.

    Как они рисовали данные по ТИКам - изучайте :) Ведь если региональные данные нарисованные, то данные ТИК, из которых они суммируются – тоже нарисованы. Но вот каким методом? Интересно!

    Данные по УИКам эти 4 “региона” не публикуют. Видимо, понимают, что опозорятся вчистую. Мудаки.