One of the things platforms use to keep us coming back and investing more of our time in building their site for them, is Internet Points. They don’t do anything, but we still crave them.

On Reddit, these Internet Points are, of course, called “karma”

In moving on from Reddit, I’m burning over 80k karma.
It feels fine. I mean, it has no real value, and bots can scrounge up that amount of karma in an afternoon, but it still represents a sizable time investment.

How much are you burning, and how do you feel about it?

    1 year ago

    I was part of a very contentious sub where the community was pretty toxic and you had two groups always clashing. It went in waves…for a few months one side would be “stronger” and get more karma and then it would switch to the other. I got addicted to the drama and shit stirring but now I’m realizing that it didn’t do a lot of good for my mental health. I was spending way too much time there and thinking of the ideal retort or how to show people on the other side that their arguments were stupid and so they were. Ultimately for what? I’m sure a lot of the people there were shitposting from several accounts at the same time. The mods were pretty useless or subtly encouraged the drama. It was all a big waste of time.