Major household appliance manufacturers like Electrolux, Tefal, Braun, and Rowenta are initiating bans on parallel imports of their products into Russia. They’re implementing moratoriums with international partners to prevent re-exporting goods to the Russian market, with contract termination and delivery cessation as consequences for violations. Some brands are going even further, aiming to block the placement of their goods on Russian marketplaces.

According to Dmitry Levin, Managing Director of the Large Household Appliances Department: “In the near future, we can expect a complete disappearance from the shelves of Russian stores of brands that have begun to block their supplies through parallel imports.”

#HouseholdAppliances #Russia #ParallelImports #Manufacturers #MarketTensions #SupplyChain #Retail #ConsumerGoods

In conclusion, tensions in the household appliance market are escalating as manufacturers tighten control over their product distribution into Russia. This crackdown on parallel imports could lead to the disappearance of certain brands from Russian store shelves, reshaping consumer choices and market dynamics.

Keywords: Household Appliances, Parallel Imports, Manufacturers, Russia, Market Dynamics, Retail, Supply Chain

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