After the update, I cannot see replies to comments. If I am logged out and view the post, all comments show. But when I log in I can see that there are replies to someone’s comment but instead of showing the comments, I just see “2 replies.” If I click to expand the comment chain, nothing happens. It’s weird that everything looks normal if I’m logged out, but not when logged in.

Logged in: Logged in

Logged out: Logged out

Edit: I am also having a similar problem with the comments on this post. When logged in, no comments show, despite the comment icon showing that there are comments. I cannot even see my replies to other comments. I can see my comment reply to this post. If I log out, everything shows fine.

Edit2: I can see older comments on posts from a month ago. I don’t know if this is a new comments issue, or something else. Unfortunately, I don’t know anything about how lemmy works under the hood.

  • Fedo[T] ¶
    7 days ago

    This might come quite late but thankfully will be helpful for others.

    I just had the same issue on my instance, I solved this by selecting Undefined in addition to English in settings > languages

    I’m not sure but it seems like unselected languages from that list are filtered out. I’d rather prefer to see everything so maybe the best thing would be to just select them all but I’m not sure