• @rdyoung@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            I’m with you. I’m trying to stay positive about the future. We have made some progress fixing what they fucked up last time around but it seems like every step forward we take, they pull us back 1.5. I’m trying to not grow into the cynical old man that some have become (I’ll be 43 in a few months, not really old I know) but it’s getting harder to see a future without a theocratic dictator in charge of this country. That’s what they want and they said as much at cpac.

            Our only hope in the short term is that they have pissed off enough young voters (who usually don’t vote) that we keep our current adults running things and add enough to actually make some shit happen.

            If trump (or even haley) wins this year, this will usher in our first dictator. It won’t be trump but it will definitely be whoever they install after him (or her) or the ones after that.

            My real fear (and I don’t actually fear much) is that if trump wins again, the left despite having an actual majority, will never hold power again without an actual civil war.

              • @rdyoung@lemmy.world
                4 months ago

                Despite that, they have done and continue to do serious damage. First abortion (really women’s health care), now in Alabama and likely others, embryos are considered children.

                I will never vote for a republican over a dem but holy fuck, the dnc and the dems need to get their shit together and start fighting back and stop appeasing the terrorists.

          • @DandomRude@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            I thought he might even read that stuff, simply because he kept boxes full of confidential documents in his bathroom. But reading your comment, it seems even more pathetic than I thought. Well, as a European, I can say that all this absurdity is no longer very funny to us either. After all, we are talking about the presidency of one of the most powerful countries in the world; one of our most important allies. You really should make some radical changes - otherwise you’ll plunge us all into disaster, im afraid. So please get your shit together for once.

  • @LesserAbe@lemmy.world
    484 months ago

    Everyone’s joking about “big surprise” but it’s helpful to have documentation of any kind rather than suspicion. There are also probably plenty of people who are less extremely online who didn’t make the connection, and now here’s an established journalistic outlet doing so.

  • @dhork@lemmy.world
    314 months ago

    Ronnie Jackson was also the main White house physician for the last few years of the Obama administration. It would be interesting to compare the receipts from that time vs. the Trump administration.

  • @taanegl@lemmy.world
    274 months ago

    Hey, remember the last right-wing fascists that was really into amphetamines? Europe sure does remember.

  • @betterdeadthanreddit@lemmy.world
    214 months ago

    Good thing they had all that Xanax to help with the anxiety caused by the treason and shitty decision-making, otherwise they’d have to deal with it like the rest of us.

  • @BigMacHole@lemm.ee
    74 months ago

    So? God CLEARLY created Speed and Xanax to be used! But also we need to ARREST anybody smoking WEED!

  • @triptrapper@lemmy.world
    64 months ago

    I just want to note that they’re referring to modafinil/Provigil as a controlled substance and a stimulant. It’s technically a controlled substance, but it’s Schedule IV (low priority, low chance of abuse) whereas Adderall is Schedule II. It’s also not a stimulant, but some people would say it’s better because it doesn’t have the teeth-grindy, methy feeling that many stimulants do. Modafinil “promotes wakefulness” but doesn’t prevent sleep. So you can imagine people taking it to stay awake for long hours working, but they won’t be pacing around or talking rapidly like with some stimulants.

    The medical unit was still irresponsible in prescribing meds without proper record-keeping and evaluation, but I wanted to clarify about modafinil specifically.

    • @mako
      24 months ago

      Marijuana is a schedule 1 drug and therefore “more dangerous and prone to abuse” than fucking prescreption meth. I’m not going to put much weight into drug classifications written largely by companies that stand to profit from their own and their competition’s standing.

      • @triptrapper@lemmy.world
        14 months ago

        I’m not arguing that the drug schedules are legitimate. Clearly having weed and heroin in the same category is ludicrous. I’m arguing that the authors use of “controlled substances” is technically true but a little dramatic as modafinil is schedule IV. I’ve been prescribed both modafinil and Adderall, and I can say that modafinil does not act or feel like a stimulant, and it’s not habit-forming.