Hold on honey, before we get our Wendy’s I’ll have to check the wsj for the historical prices on chicken nuggies first.
So imagine not only having to wait through a huge line buuuuuuut the huge line also means it is going to be more expensive.
The future still continues to draw us near through an ever increasing sucking.
Never ending indignities forced onto customers so the stock price can go up .1%.
Hopefully people vote with their wallets instead of continuing to eat this shit while getting fucked up the ass by their fresh fun take on pricing. Foh with this bullshit, keep it to those douchey bars, not a service where some are already just trying to get by
Yeah restaurants are one of the only places where there’s a somewhat healthy amount of choices in a lot of places (I know in my town this is the case).
But lately other restaurants are already attaching bullshit 4-8% “surcharges”, so I guess it’s going to become this or that (o por que no los dos?).
Fuck voting with the wallet, eat the rich
Kind of like how dealers give your first few hits for free,fast food companies spent the past two decades getting people addicted to cheap fried foods. Now that the overwhelming majority of people are addicted, they can charge whatever they want.
Dealer give free hits? Where??
It’s a myth taught by the old DARE program.
My dealer actually did give me some free hits, because he’s a chemist I know and what’s some funny paper between friends?
TFW you’re trying to get a crappy burger but you have to check the “BURG” price on the ticker first
I wonder how many times this will be reposted to the community
Until people stop getting pissed off at the greed and eat some square meat patties again…
Not sure but I browse this site all of the time and hadn’t seen it till I went on Google news. 🤷
Terminally online checking in, this is news to me
How many Molotov Cocktails will it take to end this decision?