The most annoying thing for me was the huge internet data usage by snap updates but it is better now.

Even though it showed 300mb for a Firefox update, but only consumed 80mb and everything updated and working wonderfully ! 😅 😍 👑

The New app store is beautiful 🙌

(just sharing my experience 😅 )

@ubuntu #ubuntu #snaps #appstore #snapd #gnome

    1 year ago

    Thank you for sharing that because you do make a great and important point about snaps, namely that they can replace unsecure PPA’s with secure Snaps. That sounds like the best argument for Snaps.

    Personally I didn’t have a problem with the Snaps themselves, but the forcing me to use it cough… “Firefox” …cough…

    At least have Firefox in the apt repo so people have a choice. That’s literally** what the Free Software movement is about: the user has the choice and power. Not the dev or even the machine.