Just noticed it is now cancelled and some of the hosts are creating a new show under the DTNS banner. I am out of the loop. Appreciate if someone can explain. Thanks.

  • 133arc585@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    TWiT only has any value because of the rest of the employees: the engineers, the co-hosts, and everyone else that puts it all together. Leo is not what makes the network have value (though of course he was at its founding). I think the network would be better off without him now. I too used to watch since the network started and was there for some of it live, and eventually it got to the point where I couldn’t watch any show with him in it (which sucks because I happened to like SN a lot, among others).

    the characterization of some of these events is a bit misleading

    If you mean the editorializing from that drama website, then I’d agree that it has a very clear bias. That doesn’t discount what I really wanted to stress though: the video clips and screenshots, which are primary evidence that themselves are not editorialising, very clearly show a pattern of problematic behavior. There is no excusing a lot of what I linked to in my previous comment.

    I think he has his faults and they sometimes interfere with my enjoyment of the podcasts but if he was a truly horrible person, I don’t think many of the people I respect in the tech space would associate with him offline. “A man is known by the company he keeps” often rings true to me but it has also steered me wrong at times.

    I’m curious who you have in mind here. But I’ll say that people have various reasons for associating with others, even if they’re not great people. Money, opportunities/connections/contacts, convenience, etc are all reasons that sometimes make people spend time with bad people.

    All I really care about is good insightful content about the things that matter to me and (fortunately/unfortunately depending on your pov) twit is one of the few places to get the kind of long form discussion that I like.

    The long-form discussion is not solely enabled by Leo; it would happen just as well without him. In fact, in many situations, it would probably happen better without him. I’m not saying for a moment the network doesn’t have value or produce some quality content. My point was, and is, that Leo is a rather nasty person and that if I were an advertiser I would not want to be associated with him.

    • darcmage@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      I respect your opinion and I’m not here to change it. All I’ll say is that I feel like I’ve been watching/listening long enough to confidently say at his core, he’s not a racist, pervert or many of the things implied by that site.

      • 133arc585@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        So what is he then? If he acts like those things, repeatedly, why is he not those things? Is he doing them for show?

        • darcmage@lemm.ee
          1 year ago

          I’m fine with both of us having different answers to those questions. I engaged initially to see if there was some new information that would change my opinion but it turned out to be the same things I’ve seen over the years. Thanks again and have a great day.

          • 133arc585@lemmy.ml
            1 year ago

            So the fact that you didn’t answer that but just skirted it and decided the conversation is over is rather telling. How do you justify his behavior? How do you claim that he isn’t racist? How do you claim he doesn’t have a lack of self-control and anger restraint? I’m genuinely curious how you can see what he does and think that there’s a disconnect where repeated bad actions don’t reflect poorly on the person doing them.