Navalny’s friends knew he was willing to become a martyr if that’s what it took to stand up to Putin.

Alexei Navalny’s long struggle against President Putin began with a humorous blog and culminated in repeated demonstrations of his willingness to risk his own life. According to the Russian authorities on Friday, he has now died in prison.

Russia’s leading opposition voice has been silenced.

Other dissident figures went into exile or died in mysterious circumstances over the past decade, leaving Navalny as the last national figure with a dedicated following.

Though he had been arrested many times before, Navalny’s defining moment in the eyes of many Russians came after the attempt to assassinate him with Novichok. He recuperated in the sanctuary of a German hospital but chose to defy Putin and return to Russia in January 2021, knowing full well he would end up in prison.

    8 months ago

    They know. They just don’t care because he’s “their” monster. Nothing will change in the wake of Nelvany’s death.

    This is a harsh lesson in allowing the cult of personality into a democratic election. Everyone should have learned from Hitler’s example but memories are apparently short lived. Now we have people like Netanyahu, Putin, and Trump and a world war is inevitable.

      8 months ago

      “They” do not hold any particular position. That would be because “they” hold a multitude of positions, at its extreme as many as there are people in the particular society we refer to as “they”.

      And lose the drama, because:

      1. There are always such people.

      2. Putin became president in 1999 and the last arguably democratic election in Russia was in 1996.

      3. About Hitler - I think somebody skipped their history and doesn’t know that European states didn’t immediately cease to be colonialist just cause WWII ended and the new reality ensued. And Europeans would behave pretty hitleresque in colonies, think of French in Algeria or maybe Indochina.

      4. It’s spelled Navalny.