Top brass at Google have laid off thousands of employees over the past year. As a result, according to multiple recent reports, staff morale is suffering badly, and workers are increasingly public about the slump.

    5 months ago

    The Verge reported that CEO Sundar Pichai defended the layoffs and claimed that workers sometimes reach out to express gratitude for the cuts. “And I just want to clarify that, through these changes, people feel it on the ground and sometimes people write back and say, ‘Thank you for simplifying.’ Sometimes we have a complicated, duplicative structure,” he said, per the Verge.

    CEOs are literally psychopaths. Even if this was true (and it’s a big company, so it might be), to claim this is a justification is pure unbridled dishonesty and the desire to say anything at all that removes the blame from your own shoulders.

    45 months ago

    Google has one of the highest revenue per employee figures in the industry.

    Still not enough.

    Gotta put more on the dragon hoard.