Steam, lemmy and reddit are currently creaming themselves over a game which devs makes multiple really cringe “jokes” about slavery and exploitation. Read the steam page descriptions.

Those “pals” are clearly antropomorphised creatures being dogwhistle for humans. And if you read the game reviews, even the g*mers are not lost on that fact (just they love that):

    9 months ago

    Idk about this one. It’s not like the sole goal of the game is to enslave and exploit people/mons. I haven’t played it so I wouldn’t know but I was actually excited for a monster collector that didn’t continuously keep disappointing me like Game Freak does every other year.

    The Pokémon comparisons are obvious but it doesn’t play at all like Pokémon, which is a turn based RPG, this game feels more like an action RPG/shooter/factory sim.