• @ZeroCool@slrpnk.net
    1355 months ago

    1994: If you don’t straighten up and take your education seriously you’re gonna end up living in a van down by the river!

    2024: If you don’t straighten up and take your education seriously you’ll never be able to afford to live in a van down by the river!

  • @GentlemanLoser@ttrpg.network
    825 months ago

    Kentucky is currently making “unlawful camping” punishable by death now at the hands of the land owners so double check where the bog is

    • Ann Archy
      135 months ago

      Is there literally any “unowned land” left on the planet?

        • Ann Archy
          85 months ago

          Same thing, effectively. Funny enough that land was grabbed back in the 1600’s based on very flimsy rhetoric about how just claiming land for yourself was a god given right for all human beings and that it would solve all problems by free market principles (which were not yet formalized but would soon be, specifically based on said rhetoric).

          We were fucked by hobby philosophers hundreds of years ago. Don’t come tell me a philosophy degree is worthless.

            • Ann Archy
              5 months ago

              Those are called sophists. Today we’d call them lawyers. Or Republicans.

              The Sophists were more concerned with being able to convince others that a particular opinion was to be believed, even when they knew it was actually false. Whereas Socrates was concerned only with the truth, even when it wasn’t something he wanted to be true.

      • Flying SquidOP
        85 months ago

        Yes, but it’s a bill that has been introduced. It hasn’t even been voted on yet.

      • Schadrach
        15 months ago

        …presuming you’ve asked them to leave and they’ve responded by threatening force or using force against you, and assuming that bill actually passes, yes.

      • @VinnieFarsheds@lemmy.world
        55 months ago

        Sounds cool in some utopian parallel universe, but as long as there are people willing to take advantage of others it’s not going to work in the real world. Imagine putting a lot of work in your garden and some random crazy person puts up a camping tent in it because they don’t believe in private property? Just get out in 5 minutes or I’ll call the cops.

        • Schadrach
          15 months ago

          Presumably they don’t believe anyone should be allowed to own any property.

      • Ann Archy
        05 months ago

        Private property was always complete bullshit, it’s based on nothing but bad philosophy.

    • Schadrach
      35 months ago

      Not quite. Based on what that bill actually says, it’s not legal to shoot you for “unlawful camping” unless they ask you to leave and you respond by threatening violence against them or actually engaging in violence against them.

  • @raynethackery@lemmy.world
    445 months ago

    My nephew wants me to move to Tennessee. I’m a gay man that lives in New England. Just for laughs I looked at rents in his area. They are exactly the same as what I am paying now for a 1 bedroom. Not going to happen.

  • Mario_Dies.wav
    415 months ago

    The flip side of the coin are people who tell me to “just move” away from my ass-backwards little shithole to a more progressive area. Like sure, I’d love to live in the city, let me just quit my job and reach into my suitcase full of gold bars…

  • @AllonzeeLV@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    City vs. Country

    Red vs. Blue

    Type A vs. Work to Live

    Homed vs. Homeless

    White collar vs. Blue collar


    It’s a shame the divide and conquer routine works so well.

    Keep the peasants hating and rooting against one another so hard, they never look up at their common enemy. Credit where it’s due, insatiably greedy owner class, you have us dead to rights. You keep us so busy working and hating one another, we’ll never organize against your tiny population of manipulators betraying your own species and turning it into your personal livestock.

      • @AllonzeeLV@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        Type As are the people that kill themselves at work and show frustration at those that don’t. The annoying true believers of the workplace. They live for “that grind culture,” and in many to most cases, brag about the toll it’s taken on their personal lives if they still have one. Their sense of self is tied to their job.

        People who work to live are just that. They don’t derive their sense of self of life’s purpose from their job. They do what they have to for their pay check and leave.

        For this, Type As often mock them as lazy, while work to liver’s mock type A’s intensity and values.

        • Ann Archy
          55 months ago

          The annoying true believers of the workplace.

          The obedient house slaves. “Stop fighting for your rights, you’ll get us all killed! If you would just be more obedient they might let you live in the big house too!”

        • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
          55 months ago

          As a “work-to-live” person Type As are my natural enemy. If I’ve got a meeting before noon some Type A person is the culprit.

          • @nomous@lemmy.world
            15 months ago

            Ah see, as another work-to-liver I try to schedule my meetings before lunch so I can fuck around after lunch.

        • peopleproblems
          55 months ago

          Hah, here I was about to say there is some grey area in there, but the reality is that if I didn’t have to work to maintain my standard of living, I fucking wouldn’t

          • Ann Archy
            25 months ago

            People have become so brainwashed by this ancient fucking industrial age myth of working that they think this shit is still valid hundreds of years later.

        • @centof@lemm.ee
          45 months ago

          Ah, I see what you mean. Work to survive makes more sense to me as a term for that than work to live, but to each their own.

          • @CallumWells@lemmy.ml
            65 months ago

            But it’s “work to live” not just survive. You spend the rest of the time on living. Whether that’s fishing, hunting, crocheting, watching football, playing games, or something else. Enough money to do what you want to.

            • Ann Archy
              15 months ago

              Yeah, that’s what we all do, we just work all day then we come home and go hunting, fishing, kayaking, trekking through the desert, that’s how things work, and thank god they do right.

            • @centof@lemm.ee
              15 months ago

              I interpret work to live as the reason I work is to live. That implies working is necessary to live. Which is simply not true in our modern day society. Some people don’t have to work.

              I could see how someone could easily misinterpret “work to live” as deriving their sense of self of life’s purpose from their job. That is the opposite of what is meant by it. It is so close semantically to the exact opposite philosophy of “living to work”.

              Working to survive, on the other hand, implies that your only there because you are forced to be to survive.

  • 🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    5 months ago

    “When I first came here, this was all swamp. Everyone said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I built it all the same, just to show them. It sank into the swamp. So I built a second one. That sank into the swamp. So I built a third. That burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp. But the fourth one stayed up. And that’s what you’re going to get, Lad, the strongest castle in all of England!”

    • @Asafum@feddit.nl
      125 months ago

      Seriously… I’d kill for a WFB job, even a WFF job but no one seems to want to build businesses out in the forest either…

      Joking aside, it’s literally why I can’t move out of my HCOL area… The affordable places are affordable because they’re summer homes/winter getaways… There’s no work near them whatsoever. :/

      • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
        65 months ago

        I’ve had WFB jobs for the last decade or so. It’s super nice. You know those meetings where they have way too many people in a conference room and it’s after lunch so you smell everyone’s hot breath while some VP’s jerk each other off? Those are much nicer from the seat of a riding lawn mower with a beer in hand.

        • @Asafum@feddit.nl
          35 months ago

          That does sound amazing, but unfortunately I’m a worthless factory schmuck so I won’t ever know the joys of a WFH position. I guess a small benefit is that I don’t have to deal with hot breath meetings though lol

      • @frickineh@lemmy.world
        35 months ago

        Yep. It’s always either take the lower paying job that comes with the lower cost of living, or commit to a horrible commute that will suck the will to live from your body within about 3 weeks just as much as being flat broke does.

  • @doctorcrimson
    175 months ago

    Honestly, groceries are pretty much the same price or higher in rural areas and you’ll be spending a lot of money driving around. Might get some cheap rent, though, if you’d rather rely completely on online shipping for anything other than the absolute basic resources than live a life of convenience and opportunity.

    • Ann Archy
      5 months ago

      “I live in a bog”

      “Which bog?”

      “Yes, how did you know?”