“Oh my! Some kind of green gas is coming out of the shell, and it’s like kryptonite on Superman!”
But mostly, I am such a massive fan (MASSIVE FAN) of their music. Their mixing is sublime, and their music sounds like what I’ve tried producing my whole life. I’m old, I saw Daft Punk in 97 on a small stage, Prodigy were my last Laser Masters, but Auralnauts fill that void now. There is not a single tune of theirs that don’t get me beatboxing and start dancing… :) <3
I will never not dump Auralnauts…
Star Wars Saga: Ep. 1 - Jedi Party
Star Wars: Bass Wars Obi vs DJango
Reylo (Official Music Video)
Dirk Lasermaster: The Last Laser Master
I love Auralnauts so much! Aside from the Star Wars stuff, I really like Fictional Fight Commentary and the infomercial stuff.
“Oh my! Some kind of green gas is coming out of the shell, and it’s like kryptonite on Superman!”
But mostly, I am such a massive fan (MASSIVE FAN) of their music. Their mixing is sublime, and their music sounds like what I’ve tried producing my whole life. I’m old, I saw Daft Punk in 97 on a small stage, Prodigy were my last Laser Masters, but Auralnauts fill that void now. There is not a single tune of theirs that don’t get me beatboxing and start dancing… :) <3