The front lines where Ukraine and its allies had hoped for a summer breakthrough now epitomize the bleak, dark winter ahead — of Russian resurgence and Kyiv’s mounting losses.

“As we like to say in the army, the plan was good on paper, but we forgot about the trenches,” joked Ihor, a commander in the 15th National Guard. CNN is only using his first name to protect his identity for security reasons. Speaking with CNN deep in a command post in Orikhiv, in southern Ukraine, he is interrupted by panicked noises in the radio room.

The Ukrainians face relentless waves of Russian convict recruits, properly trained and equipped, backed by armor, and often – they believe – given a mix of drugs to bolster their attack. Ukrainian soldiers showed CNN drone footage of an injured Russian, his legs severed, yet a ghoulish smile on his face, seemingly oblivious to the pain.

Those fighting in besieged Ukrainian trenches say they now face another threat: the use of gas as a weapon. Nine incidents have been recorded in recent weeks in this area, one Ukrainian combat medic told CNN, in which a caustic and flammable gas had been dropped by drones onto Ukrainian lines, causing one fatality. The gas is used to cause panic and followed by conventional shelling or drone attacks, soldiers impacted said.

  • Blaster M
    106 months ago

    Russia literally resorting to STIM’ed Marines now…

  • AutoTL;DRB
    36 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    The front lines where Ukraine and its allies had hoped for a summer breakthrough now epitomize the bleak, dark winter ahead — of Russian resurgence and Kyiv’s mounting losses.

    The Ukrainians face relentless waves of Russian convict recruits, properly trained and equipped, backed by armor, and often – they believe – given a mix of drugs to bolster their attack.

    Ukrainian soldiers showed CNN drone footage of an injured Russian, his legs severed, yet a ghoulish smile on his face, seemingly oblivious to the pain.

    “Usually, more meat means more mince,” Ihor said, a reference to Russian generals throwing their forces into the “meatgrinder” of the front line without concern for their losses.

    In a tiny bunker closer to the front line, CNN observed a Ukrainian drone unit, part of Ihor’s command, trying to hunt Russians at a nearby crossroads.

    The crisis in US and EU funding for Ukraine is at the forefront of their minds here, as a series of grainy drone images show bare tree lines, injured Russian soldiers lolling in a crater, and a landscape so cruel it seems remarkable any human life emerges from it.

    The original article contains 900 words, the summary contains 181 words. Saved 80%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

    06 months ago

    I’m an armchair colonel. But I think Ukies are not committing fully to the offensive for fear of high casualties and the bad PR it brings. However, the Russian people have shown to be immune to losing thousands of soldiers since they are completely cowed by Putin. This means a battle of attrition will favor the Russians. Ukies have no choice but to yolo like it is Verdun if it ever seeks to win this war. They need to KO the Russians in one blow and push them out of Ukraine. Only then can the ukies hunker down again and weather the human waves.

      76 months ago

      The staleness of the war feel very much like WW1. WW1 was not won at the frontlines. It was won by the industry and the logistics networks. Ukraine needs a way to harm the Russian industry and logistics, while getting more support of the western economies.

    -46 months ago

    But I’ve been told that they were sending 60 year old grandpa’s because all the young Russian men died a year ago.

    • BombOmOm
      6 months ago

      Most people thought the ‘2nd largest superpower in the world’ would have an invasion of the poorest country in Europe wrapped up in a few weeks. After Ukraine defended themselves and took back huge swaths of their territory, people readjusted to Russia’s (lack of) power.

      Now the primary driver is making sure Ukraine stays armed so every invading Russian is forced to go the fuck back home.

        6 months ago

        Yeah, but people also thought Ukraine could take back Crimea and see how that’s going.

        Their rhetoric was the same, too. Ukraine just needs these weapons and they’ll be able to accomplish this goal.

        I’m waiting for everyone who was gungho about that to come out and admit they were wrong.

        It’s been awhile, but I see no shortage of posters like you telling me Ukraine just needs more weapons and they’re be able to accomplish a different goal.

          156 months ago

          Wars invariably take longer than expected. There’s a reason “home by Christmas” is a meme. That doesn’t change the fact that Ukraine has liberated huge swathes of their territory since the beginning of the invasion. I’m all for more weapons for them; giving up aid just sends all the despots of the world the message that all they need to do in order to take whatever they want is out wait the fickle west.

            -156 months ago

            Wars invariably take longer than expected.

            Gee, how come I never see this in response to “3 days”?

            Oh right, propaganda.

              176 months ago

              Because people like to mock the obvious Russian hubris? They’re getting worked by a country with hand me down weapons from 40 years ago, of course people laugh at “Kyiv in 3 days”.

                -156 months ago

                So… russians are woefully incompetent and should be made fun of for that.

                When Ukrainians are losing against russians… “wars take longer than expected.”

                This war should really teach rational people how powerful modern propaganda is, and how ignorant its perpetrators are of its existence.

                  6 months ago

                  You’re trying to make an equivalence between the poorest European nation and the previously believed second most powerful army in the world. That’s not a rational stance. If anyone was told on February 25th 2022 that in two years time Ukraine would hold all territory on the right bank of the Dnipro and still contest territory in Luhansk and Donetsk it would rightfully be considered a miracle. Shit, Russia has moved a huge portion of their Black Sea fleet to Novorossiysk to avoid Ukrainian attacks against an opponent with no Navy. They can’t even use the port they stole. Do you not recognize the power imbalance is a factor? I’m not even sure what your point is other than acting like you’re smarter than the rest of the room.

          36 months ago

          Classic case of a vatnik being incapable to see the bigger picture. Your propaganda narrative went from “Ukraine has no chance of winning since they’ll be overthrown in two weeks tops” to “Ukraine has no chance of winning since they failed to retake Crimea”.

            6 months ago

            I’m pro-Ukrainian, but “huge swathes” of regained territory is absurdly inflating UA’s achievements. They’re fighting off the imperialist invaders, but only just and only for now.

            Edit: typo

                • NoIWontPickaName
                  06 months ago

                  Granted, recently they have been going more slowly, I would too without true combined arms warfare and with shackles on my combat ability.

                  Maybe we should take off their chains and allow them to fight for real, if shit started happening in Russia proper, people would start losing their shit there.

                  Let them take the battle to the homes of the oppressors.