You can just ask random people for quests!

I went to a pub and asked this guy if he had any missions for me. He turned to me with a serious look, said and I quote: “I need you to recover an 8GB white Toshiba flash drive I lost around here yesterday. It has some valuable information, but it’s encrypted, so dont go snooping in. If you find it for me. I’ll make it worth your while.”

  • @nebula42
    5610 months ago

    Wait are you deadass or is this a copypasta

      6310 months ago

      smells like copypasta, but random strangers will deadass just give you shit to do if you ask, and the “ask for rumors”-thing totally works irl

    • Catpurrple
      2610 months ago

      It’s gotta be a copypasta, the format seems very similar to that one about TES Oblivion, with the person asking for rumors at a bar and being told a guy went missing in the mountains or whatever. Been a while since I loaded up a stalker game, but the “it’s encrypted so don’t go snooping” bit I think is actual game dialog, no random person would say this.

            910 months ago

            The guy above you was obviously being disingenuous. I use 8gb thumb drives to organise my jobs and hobbies. All the work I need for Job A is on Drive A etc.

            So there’s got to be at least ten of us. Maybe even twenty!!

              210 months ago

              You can get a bunch of fairly reliable 8GBs cheap from the right places, I use them for boot media or installers or “man it’d be really nice to move a file from here to there without much thought” scenarios

          10 months ago

          Hello I am using them! Well actually I don’t even have bigger than a 4GB. But mostly I use my big box of 508MB usb sticks they do their job fine because rarely I need to transfer something that needs to be together so I just use like 3 or four when I am lazy.

          110 months ago

          I still use 8gig, but for work. If I’m giving this away with three docs on it, I’m buying them in bulk and trying to get them cheap

  • Kaity
    110 months ago

    I thought I wouldn’t have a mission for anyone but then I realized I’m an escort quest and unlockable companion.