EDIT: It seems that I have may have gotten the wrong impression about the community structure here from the @TheDude comment I listed below. It looks like this should have been posted to The Agora. I appreciate everyone who took the time to respond. Now I must go find fresh air and see if I can find this grass thing that I have heard so much about.

First, let me say thank you for spending your time and money on creating and maintaining this instance.

Second, the name sh.itjust.works is great. It gives me a little half smile every time I type it.

Third, I am hoping this can be my Fediverse home base but I have a single concern.

Now on to the meat:

I have been over on lemmy.world for the last few days and really enjoying the content and experience, but as I was learning more about the Fediverse I realized they have blocked a whole slew of other instances. Most of the reason I have grown to dislike and distrust reddit over the years was because of their random subreddit bans that didn’t follow their own rules and processes, so it was a pretty big turn-off for me looking at the lemmy.world Instances List.

When I heard this instance only had two blocked instances, I immediately came here to check it out. I quickly saw like-minded individuals genuinely engaging in reasonable discussion about what should and should not be defederated, so I decided to go ahead and make an account. It didn’t take long though before I decided to look into why each of the instances were banned.

It seems like burggit allows simulated CP which is a pretty decent reason for blocking them in my mind. On the other hand, the only thing I could find about lemmygrad.ml was this (https://sh.itjust.works/comment/130474) post that says you blocked it because of your personal convictions.

Given that this instance is your own personal project, I certainly don’t fault you for choosing what is acceptable and what is not, but I am concerned about making sh.itjust.works my home base if it is just the start. Based on the previous post it doesn’t seem like something you are going to change your mind about, nor do I have an interest in trying to convince you to do so. What I would like to know is if this is going to be a regular thing.

Are you intending to block any instances with political opinions that you are staunchly against? Further, are you planning to create any sort of standard for what kind of instance you are likely or unlikely to ban in the future?

Bonus question for my curiosity: What makes lemmygrad so against your personal convictions? While I have a basic understanding of Marxism/Communism and am aware that current communist countries have a pretty questionable history of violence and suppressing personal and political freedoms, I think an objective viewer might say the same thing about the representative republic that I live in.

tl;dr: Are you going to block other instances for personal reasons? Also, are you going to create any standards to indicate which instances may be blocked in the future?

  • @TheDude@sh.itjust.worksM
    751 year ago

    Hi Nahvi.

    Thanks for posting this well put together post. I can tell that you put some time and thought into this and I want you to know that I recognize that.

    Regarding your concern, this is a topic that has been brought up numerous times over the past month. I’ve since moved towards being more community driven, letting users discuss and debate on topics that are important to them. These discussion move forward towards a vote over a 7 day period. This process will change over time as we come across flaws and look for ways solve them together.

    One more thing I want to make clear regarding your tl;dr question Will I be blocking other instances for personal reasons? Short answer is no, I believe the community should determine what should or should not be blocked.

    That being said I want to make myself clear that there are limitations, I will continue to defederate instances that openly promote or spreads hate speech, terrorism, CP, loli, trolling and instances that become bot instances. These shouldn’t be things that need to be justified, I think they fall under the “be a good human” category.

    I hope this clarifies your concerns and you continue to make sh.itjust.works your home.

    • @Barbarian@sh.itjust.works
      1 year ago

      Hey dude, thanks for dropping by.

      Just wanted to say that I appreciate the direction you’re trying to herd cats towards.

    • @Nahvi@sh.itjust.worksOP
      201 year ago


      Hello and thank you for taking the time to respond to my post.

      I appreciate you clarifying your stance on future blocking for both personal reasons and along the human decency lines. While I may lean fairly deeply into free speech territory, I also recognize the need for certain limits. The balance you’ve struck seems to be very reasonable, though I admit to being a hair surprised by the community driven approach.

      I look forward to seeing which direction the community takes the instance.

    • Tsinc
      101 year ago

      Are you planning to actively moderate against racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia?

    • @lol@sh.itjust.works
      91 year ago

      will continue to defederate instances that openly promote or spreads hate speech

      That’s great but please define hate speech and give us some examples.

    • @MomoTimeToDie@sh.itjust.works
      41 year ago

      Short answer is no, I believe the community should determine what should or should not be blocked

      Then how about not lock every discussion post as soon as you see people agreeing with you on who to defederate and actually allow discussion?

    • @Quacksalber@sh.itjust.works
      31 year ago

      I hope Lemmy will one day support defederating from content and users separately. As I wrote in other threads already, and I will just take your word for it that lemmygrad really is promoting hate speech, I can understand and support defederation from instances pr9moting hate speech, but at the same rime, it robs me of the opportunity to engage with tgeir users even on other platforms. As such, if the option to separately defederate from content and users ever becomes available, I hope the lemmygrad users will be federated again.

  • @imaqtpie@sh.itjust.worksM
    1 year ago

    Firstly, welcome. I hope you choose to stick around.

    Lemmygrad.ml is blocked and will almost certainly remain blocked. Any further discussion of that topic is moot. I understand your point, but to be frank, they only have about 700 active users. They simply don’t have very much to contribute, even if they were commenting in good faith. And they obviously aren’t, given how many instances have defederated them.

    Going forward, the decision to defederate instances is not going to be taken lightly. I don’t speak for TheDude, but my understanding of defederation is that it should be utilized defensively, rather than aggressively. If another server is harassing our users, disrupting our communities, or otherwise preventing our server from flourishing, then we will consider defederation.

    Barring that extent of conflict, the block functionality exists so that individual users can protect themselves from unwanted content without compromising the integrity of the federated model.

    You will have the opportunity to raise any arguments in favor of or against defederation in the relevant discussion thread that will be posted to the Agora prior to the vote.


    We do not have any intention of becoming beehaw here, but we also need to protect the standard of discourse that has already emerged on this server.

    I hope I have addressed your concerns. Let me know if there’s anything I left out.

      • @imaqtpie@sh.itjust.worksM
        121 year ago

        You’ve been here 3 weeks and 3 of your first 6 comments, weeks ago, are also asking why lemmygrad was blocked, on multiple different servers. Didn’t Lemmy.one and lemmy.fmhy.ml already tell you why? You’re not asking in good faith.

      • @JshKlsn@lemmy.ml
        21 year ago

        Have you seen the comments there?

        It’s all extreme liberal hate.

        I’m not really interested in hearing about why trans people deserve to die, or people complaining about a trans influencer being on a beer can. If I wanted to hear that, I’d visit my parents.

        You can be a right wing person without resorting to such extreme hate. There’s really no need for that shit.

          • @JshKlsn@lemmy.ml
            11 year ago

            Okay, well I don’t know much about politics. I just know liberals are left, conservatives are right, and lemmygrad is hating on liberals and LGBTQIA+, so I figured they were right wing.

            Either way, whatever they are, they are disgusting. Like I said, I don’t care to see posts about why trans people deserve to die. No need for such extremism.

            • Aradina [She/They]
              81 year ago

              What are you talking about? Lemmygrad is explicitly extremely pro-LGBT. They aggressively ban transphobia.

              "I just know liberals are left, conservatives are right, "

              You “know” wrong then, sorry. Liberalism is only considered left-wing in the United States and other similarly conservative countries.

              • @JshKlsn@lemmy.ml
                1 year ago

                You “know” wrong then, sorry. Liberalism is only considered left-wing in the United States and other similarly conservative countries.

                I am Canadian. I know correctly for whats relevant for my country.

                Why are you being so toxic? Can’t we have a conversation where you inform me without being rude about it? Leave the toxic attitude on Reddit.

                What are you talking about? Lemmygrad is explicitly extremely pro-LGBT. They aggressively ban transphobia.

                From my experience, they’ve used a ton of slurs and posted hate towards LGBTQIA+. Not sure why I would be seeing those posts and comments if they were extremely pro-LGBTQIA+?

      • @dnick@sh.itjust.works
        1 year ago

        Seems like they might not want to say, but the overall point is that it seems like they don’t have to. If that is bothersome to you, you may want to move to a different instance, warn people about the fact that this can be done without explanation or any number of things that you can do for you, but simply calling them out over and over doesn’t seem terribly productive.

        Edit: What I mean to say it’s that you seem to be complaining about the fact that they can defederate without explaining themselves, but instead of saying that you seem to be passive-aggressively just posting an observation insinuating that that is the problem. Not every post is going to be a direct explanation of why they did a thing and picking one post and complaining that there aren’t other posts with the answer you want is poor conversational skills.

    • @Nahvi@sh.itjust.worksOP
      91 year ago

      I appreciate the thorough response, but yeah, you kind of did miss my main question. I am just trying to find out if it is @TheDude’s intention to block other subs that conflict too strongly with his views.

      I really don’t care much one way or another if one instance that I am pretty unlikely to interact with is blocked, but I want to find out if it is a single event or if he just hasn’t had a chance to ban all the groups that offend him.

      • @imaqtpie@sh.itjust.worksM
        121 year ago

        The users themselves will be voting on who to ban. I cannot speak for TheDude, but his decision to set up a democratic forum for voting on server decisions surely speaks for itself, no?

        I really don’t care much one way or another if one instance that I am pretty unlikely to interact with is blocked, but I want to find out if it is a single event or if he just hasn’t had a chance to ban all the groups that offend him.

        It’s a single event. Anything else?

          • @imaqtpie@sh.itjust.worksM
            271 year ago

            It’s going to be hard for TheDude to run the server and also his real life if he constantly needs to be addressing hypothetical questions from users who joined within the past 24 hours.

            That’s why I’m here.

            • @Nahvi@sh.itjust.worksOP
              71 year ago

              Now that I know who you are, I have checked out The Agora and a lot of what you are saying has a bit more context. It seems I posted this in the wrong place and misunderstood the community structure here.

              Thank you for your time responding. Once I spend a bit more time looking through The Agora, I may end up asking another question or two.

              • @imaqtpie@sh.itjust.worksM
                1 year ago

                Ok I’m sorry I’m at work and had to step away for a bit.

                Yes, the Agora is the platform for community input and decision making, and I’m one of the moderators.

                No problem at all, happy to help.

            • @Nahvi@sh.itjust.worksOP
              51 year ago

              Who are you? A few posts back, when you responded “anything else?”, I checked to see if you were a mod of this community or admin of the instance but I don’t see you in either list.

  • @Shit@sh.itjust.works
    351 year ago

    I think part of it had to do with genocide denial being pretty rampant there and way outnumbering the number of users in new instances when the reddit blackout started. One of the top posts here when the instance was new was asking if the admin even allowed discussing the topic. I think @god made the post I’ll see if I can find it.

  • Aviandelight
    331 year ago

    This shit is so tiresome already. If you don’t like the atmosphere of one instance then find another. It really is that simple. Quit harassing the instance admins they don’t owe you shit.

    • @Nahvi@sh.itjust.worksOP
      1 year ago

      Seems like you didn’t actually read my post.

      This is the new parking lot that I am checking out. It seems pretty nice so far, but there is a weird statue in the corner. If it is just a one off that is cool. If it is the first among many then maybe I need to keep driving around.

      Edit: Seems like I combined the two posts when responding, but I think I am going to leave it as is.

      • HaveYouTriedCats
        151 year ago

        You’re asking a person with a day job who is doing a cool thing for the fediverse community and set up a community in sh.itjustworks (Agora) to handle these possible future blocks to give you a granular breakdown of the blocking of one instance in a justification they don’t really owe you.

        The community itself is trying to be chill and just vibe. If what we’re doing fits what you’re looking for, welcome.

        • @Nahvi@sh.itjust.worksOP
          151 year ago

          And you are repeating my own words back to me in a different order as if it will surprise me into keeping my questions to myself.

          Pardon me for trying to find out if I just wandered into an environment that is as chill and welcoming as it seems from the outside or another reddit where many genuine questions will get shouted down.

          • HaveYouTriedCats
            1 year ago

            Genuine apologies, as that’s not my intent.

            We’ve had what has seemed (to me) an influx of just really bad faith and downright trolling type stuff going down recently and it’s perhaps colored my take on things more than I realized, and it probably has for others as well.

            We really did just come here for the chill vibe, read the thing, and were like “yeah, this works for me.”

            Other things may get added to that block list in the future, yes. I pointed you to the Agora because you may not, as a new user, be aware of it, as the Dude set it up as the place where these kinds of decisions will most likely be made in the future and where community discussions tend to be focused.

            However, as a Canadian based instance, they have different laws on what does and doesn’t put them at risk, so there are times where those calls may be his and his to make alone (which is why there are two where there was only one on the list of defederated).

            • @Nahvi@sh.itjust.worksOP
              31 year ago

              We really did just come here for the chill vibe, read the thing, and were like “yeah, this works for me.”

              That is why I am here too.

              I am hoping that some of the more acerbic comments in this thread are just an expression of those frustrations and not the same old social media junk. Hopefully time will show this instance to be as chill as it seemed at first.

            • @aspseka@sh.itjust.works
              21 year ago

              influx of just really bad faith

              Is that so? On this instance or in general? So far, I did not perceive that. On the contrary, I enjoy the discussions around here so far.

              • HaveYouTriedCats
                21 year ago

                It started with a discussion on sh.itjustworks, but due to the open nature of federation, anyone can wander in to the discussion, as you can see with input from users outside our instance.

                There was some confusion, some trolling, but I think if as a user you weren’t really active in our Main or Agora communities it may not have been something you would have been aware of, if that makes sense.

                Honestly in my experience, most (I’d say as close to all as you can get) of sh.itjustworks users are really just here to chill and make an awesome experience.

                • @aspseka@sh.itjust.works
                  21 year ago

                  If you are of the opinion that I am not active Ilin the Agora, clearly you don’t follow it that well. I am sorry.

        • Dirk Darkly
          111 year ago

          They’re asking a question without demanding anything in a very chill manner. It would seem you’re the only one getting twisted about it. Ease up and let people ask questions. You can get heated again if they won’t take “no” for an answer.

    • @wellnowletssee@sh.itjust.works
      201 year ago

      I don’t see @Nahvi@sh.itjust.works harassing anyone but asking questions I also personally find interesting. I started my life in the fediverse on this instance since a) I wanted to distribute the load new users were (still are?) generating moving away from Reddit b) the rules were good (upvote/downvote, nsfw, etc) and c) the name. I didn’t bother about checking the instance-admins preferences and only now learning about de-federation. And now I am wondering if I should ease down my enthusiasm because I might need to switch to an other instance (later than sooner).

      So yes, maybe a few personal words about the instance and especially about other federated instances I would be curious to read.

      Please keep up the good work though @TheDude@sh.itjust.works . I can’t imaging how much work is involved in keeping this instance alive and have great respect.

    • @Kururin@lemmy.ml
      81 year ago

      Exactly. There’s so many instances for anyone who don’t like one to migrate to

      • @Nahvi@sh.itjust.worksOP
        51 year ago

        I fully agree and if you read through my post you will notice this is not my first instance. It is just one that seems like a pretty good fit and has a name I like. I am hoping this one oddity is just that and not an indicator that @TheDude plans to block a bunch of other political instances later.

  • User Deleted
    1 year ago

    The instance called lemmygrad promotes an ideology that’s considered extremist by many instance owners, so it has been defederated by many big instances. The other ones one the list that are defederated because of an unusual number of users to content ratio, leading many instance owners to suspect that they are bot accounts used for spam so any instance with these suspicions are also defederated, not because of ideology, buy simply because of the perceived spam threat. Now I don’t know how true is the bot threat, but that is what people have been saying is the reason for defederation.

    • @Nahvi@sh.itjust.worksOP
      101 year ago

      If this was one of the larger instances that has defederated a bunch of instances like lemmy.world, I wouldn’t have blinked that it defederated another one. Sh.itjust.works has exactly two blocked instances, one of which seems to invite pedos the other seems like a political group. In my mind, those are a bit different and worth asking a question or two about before deciding this place isn’t as welcoming as it seemed from the outside.

      • @priapus@sh.itjust.works
        21 year ago

        They are supporters of authoritarian regimes who regularly raid comment sections and spam communities to push their views. The above comment said who decided, the instance owners. If you’d like to know who they are you can visit the instances that have them blocked and check who the owner is.

  • loaf
    301 year ago

    I’m gonna park my car here for this.

  • @Barbarian@sh.itjust.works
    1 year ago

    When I first made an account on lemmy.ml, I looked over at the lemmygrad.ml “Introduce yourself” thread. Heavily upvoted hot comment was somebody saying “Joined up to troll and fight liberals! Gonna show those libtards how stupid they are” (paraphrasing, don’t remember the exact words).

    When I eventually moved here, I was happy to see it defederated already. Celebrating trolling and “fighting” people isn’t something I want to see here.

    • @Nahvi@sh.itjust.worksOP
      111 year ago

      That sounds like a good reason to block that idiot or maybe even that community from my own thread, but I would rather make my own choice as to when someone or a community is not acting in good faith. I don’t need someone with different values than my own trying to protect me from some words I might find offensive.

      On the other hand, blocking burggit so I don’t have simulated CP showing up in my feed is not the kind of choice that I need clarification about.

      • Lols [they/them]
        1 year ago

        I don’t need someone with different values than my own trying to protect me from some words I might find offensive.

        it seems like you have a fundamental issue with instances like sh.itjust.works and would be better off joining a different one, or even better making your own then

        • @Nahvi@sh.itjust.worksOP
          21 year ago

          Seems like I would save myself sometime by creating a dozen different logins through the various instances. I am up to four now.

          I guess using current number of blocked instances was not as useful of an indicator for finding an instance that was free-speech leaning, but not purists, as I thought it was.

          • @Barbarian@sh.itjust.works
            71 year ago

            I hope you find an instance that fits your needs. I honestly do.

            What this place is hasn’t really been decided yet. The first few days were IT guys and generally techy people that liked the server setup. Then we had a big influx of users and the predictable chaos that follows. Then general ideas and frameworks started being put down by our admin and mods to try and steer that chaos.

            You’ve walked in the door right as we’re trying to figure out what we want this place to be and how we want to run it.

            • @Nahvi@sh.itjust.worksOP
              21 year ago

              Thank you for the suggestion, but their blocked instances list is about the same length as the one from lemmy.world

              I hadn’t really considered that whole instances would be banned for nothing more than having bots. I may need to look more into what lemmy.world was banning for.

              • God
                31 year ago

                Lemm.ee is only banning instances that have abnormal growth (i.e. They didn’t enable captcha, have maybe 7 active users, and suddenly go from 30 total registrations to 52000 in a couple of days). Other than that there is nothing banned for ideological reasons unlike sh.itjust.works and other instances.

                • @Barbarian@sh.itjust.works
                  1 year ago

                  I would argue that even lemmygrad isn’t an ideological ban, it’s an anti-brigading/trolling ban. There are plenty of marxist-leninist folk on lemmy.ml that share the same philosophy, but don’t go full “ATTACK THE HEATHEN” like lemmygrad does.

          • 🇺🇦 Max UL
            41 year ago

            You would save yourself time by making your own instance, and run it how you like. We did that, and thousands of other people have, too. It’s not hard.

            • @Nahvi@sh.itjust.worksOP
              11 year ago

              I am not too worried about the technical difficulties of hosting an instance, but I really don’t want to deal with the social ones. I would rather sit back and appreciate @TheDave for the trouble he and the other admins go through.

              • 🇺🇦 Max UL
                31 year ago

                There isn’t much to worry about. We made our instance at the same time as sh.itjust.works but didn’t get popular, and also had all the restrictions for account creation in place. So we barely have any users, run our own show and fly under all the radar.

      • pancakes
        141 year ago

        Sounds like you would be happier swapping instances. For the most part, the people here want it to remain a civil place without having the side project of keeping up with which instances are trash and manually having to block things. I’m sure there’s instances with much more liberal views on defederation that suit your personal preferences better.

        • @Nahvi@sh.itjust.worksOP
          81 year ago

          Sounds like you would be happier swapping instances.

          I am not so sure that you read my post. This was the new instance that I went to because it had less blocked instances.

          I will tell you that the more of these comments I read the more I am starting to think that I never left reddit and that few people, if any, bothered to read anything besides the title.

          • pancakes
            61 year ago

            …I would rather make my own choice as to when someone or a community is not acting in good faith. I don’t need someone with different values than my own trying to protect me from some words I might find offensive.

            Maybe I misunderstood but this is the section that I was referring to.

            • @Nahvi@sh.itjust.worksOP
              31 year ago

              Turns out that I completely misunderstood the community structure here. There is a good chance that I was the one being confusing.

          • @sneakyninjapants@sh.itjust.works
            31 year ago

            You can always make an account at lemmy.sdf.org. I was checking them out a few days ago and they have no servers blocked at all, and sdf is a really great organization to boot. This server will in time defederate other instances, of that there is no doubt. Discussions and voting on it have already happened, and may or may not be implemented, or invalidated. If you’re looking for an instance that haven’t defederated others, there are many options to choose from like the one I posted above, or you can choose to stay here and try to change minds, but you’ll likely be facing an uphill battle.

            • @Nahvi@sh.itjust.worksOP
              21 year ago

              Thanks, I will have to check them out later. I am almost a bit surprised that I don’t recognize SDF. I spent some time using a few telnet sites some years ago.

      • @Barbarian@sh.itjust.works
        81 year ago

        I should clarify that this wasn’t just 1 user that was isolated. This was an upvoted comment, with many other users congratulating him on his commitment to “trolling the libtards”.

    • @EchoCT@lemmy.ml
      41 year ago

      Well that’s a shitty person then. I’m a ML and I joined over there on a different account because I like talking communism without the western prejudices. (ie people using Tankie as a slur but can’t define why)

      That and communism memes are fun. Good discourse on organizing ect.

    • @Nahvi@sh.itjust.worksOP
      131 year ago

      lemmygrad.ml is generally defederated.

      The fact that a bunch of other instances also defederated something has no bearing at all on my thoughts or opinions.

      To explain it, remember r/thedonald?

      I do remember r/thedonald. Though it has been awhile the thing that stands out in my memory is that reddit seemed to ban it because other redditors couldn’t stand it being around, not because it violated their TOS.

      Its an extremist group.

      lemmygrad.ml might be filled with extremists and is definitely not my cup of tea, but blocking any and all groups that are a little different from mainstream standards is not the kind of thing I can get behind.

      Most of our beloved democratic, republican, and liberal ideals were extremist views not so long ago.

      Are you saying lemmygrd.ml is not an extremist group? Or are you defending them?

      And just so we are clear, I downvoted you because of this kind of you have to agree with me or you are defending me enemy phrasing.

    • Tsinc
      1 year ago

      You said the community that mainly contains the following message would be as extreme as TD.

      I support freedom. I support individual right to choose.

      What does that even mean? I know a lot of republicans struggle with this concept. Don’t bully them. Their smooth brains struggle.

      Guns kill people. Every other country has solved this problem. Control who has access to guns. Do you really think you will stand up to the entire government, military, with a single assault rifle? Grow the fuck up. Make your community better. Stop living in perpetual fear.

      Women have a right to decide for themselves. Abortion is always an option. A ball of cells is not a baby. Its not murder. Stop forcing rape victims to birth.

      Christian ministers, priests, reverends. These are the single biggest perpetrators of molestation. Supporting christianity is supporting the destruction of childhoods.

      How many drag queens have been arrested abd charged? How many catholics?

      look inwards. take a moment to consider why you’re being built, pushed, towards hate.

      You can change. You can open your eyes. You can be accepted. I have forgiveness for those who are genuine. Reality is here for you.

      do you not consider why you’re attacked or ostracised from society? Its because your views are toxic. Your views are hateful. Your views go against what the majority of humanity wants and stands for.

      You can be better. You can grow and learn.

      Hand in your fascist card. We can accept you. Just let go of your hate and anger.

      Propaganda has blinded you. Its your choice to simply turn away. Help exists wherever you reach out.

      Open your eyes.

      Open your eyes

      We are here for you. We are here to support your journey back to reality.

      It’s scary. But you have support. Just ask.


      Thanks for letting me add this

      • God
        61 year ago

        I just read a few poses on the community. Maybe this is there somewhere, but there’s a shitton of what many would consider hate speech in there.

        (i am not a conservative and don’t support their cause, simply an independent observer)

        Just one example from here https://lemmy.world/post/105545 :

        Republicans are scum. You are not welcome.

        I’m not even american. I have my own local conservative bullshit to deal with. Which is handled elsewhere.

        The conservative belief is nothing more than “no change. Live in the status quo”.

        You are history. You are the bottom of society. You will be left in dust, in the history books. But they will remember you. You will be documented for generations to come as enemies of humanity.

        Conservative beliefs are humanity’s cancer.

        • @novibe@lemmy.ml
          51 year ago

          How the hell is that hate speech?Conservative is not a protected group. It’s not an inherent quality of a person, like being gay or black.

          It’s not hate speech to say conservatives are evil and their actions and beliefs actively harm the world. That’s just facts.

          • God
            1 year ago

            Do you have to be protected for it to be hate speech? Lmao.

            It’s not an inherent quality of a person, like being gay or black.

            and hate speech is only for people’s inherent qualities?

            hate speech, speech or expression that denigrates a person or persons on the basis of (alleged) membership in a social group identified by attributes such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, physical or mental disability, and others.

            i’d say ideology falls right next to religion in the spook system of “things ppl believe about the world and can’t change on a whim because it’s part of their inherent dogmatic system of understanding”

            It’s not hate speech to say conservatives are evil and their actions and beliefs actively harm the world. That’s just facts.

            ah yes, “facts”, “evil”, absolute morality, moral dogma, they are “inherently evil”, that’s just moral absolutism and it’s as dumb as religious dogmatic beliefs of “the gays are bad” or “degenerates deserve to die”. You’re just fighting dumb dogmas with dumb dogmas.

            Do consider that they consider themselves not to be harming but protecting the world from those who they believe harm the world. Life is not black and white, “i’m right and you’re wrong”. There are many perspectives, and “harm” is subjective, the ideal state of how things should be is a hotly debated topic, and thinking that, because you think you’re “right”, your speech of hate toward a certain group of people defined by their beliefs is not “hate speech”, is just, in my opinion, not a very enlightened perspective.

            pinned post:

            • @novibe@lemmy.ml
              21 year ago

              I’m sorry but we’re past the point of “let’s all talk and understand our differences”. People have had enough time to understand reality. If they are still supporting transphobic, anti-communist, racist and fascists parties, organisations and individuals, they deserve nothing but to be publicly humiliated. I mean maybe not nothing…

              • God
                31 year ago

                Thing is, you’re wrong.

                people have had enough time to understand reality

                There is no absolute moral right or wrong. If their understanding is different from yours, they simply have a different perspective. Sure, it is not compatible with yours, and you can decide to cut yourself off from them, and wage war against them, and even insult them, threaten them with death and execute them publicly if you want. None of that means that their belief system is not a belief system, or that their religious beliefs are not religious beliefs, or that the hate speech you will wield against them is not hate speech. It just means you deem it appropriate because your belief system dictates this, just as their belief system could dictate that they will do the same with you and those you protect. The fact that people justify it in their minds, throwing random moral facts and calling them true, doesn’t make hate speech not hate speech.

  • @Zaphodquixote@sh.itjust.works
    151 year ago

    Dude. You’re late to the party. This has already been posted about and discussed to death.

    You don’t have the background info to understand yet. Hang back a bit, read older posts. There are very good reasons that there are several instances that are damn near universally defederated.

    • @Nahvi@sh.itjust.worksOP
      1 year ago

      I both looked around and did a search. The only comment I found from @TheDude was the one linked in my post. I am just asking for a little clarification as to whether this is a one-off or typical fare.

      Edit: Just re-read the last bit. I don’t want to wait around for weeks or months only to find out that I should have realized on day one that this was a bad fit.

      Is it really so wrong to ask for a little clarification about one of two total Instances that have been blocked here?

      • 🐱TheCat
        91 year ago

        Do you have a thread over on lemmygrad asking about all the instances they have blocked? Just curious if you only concern troll in one direction

          • 🐱TheCat
            71 year ago

            Reading your post - it should be a DM. You are literally only asking for theDudes opinion.

            try DMing thedude directly instead of making a public discussion post thats clearly aimed to generate discussion and questions exactly like mine.

            • @Nahvi@sh.itjust.worksOP
              21 year ago

              You might be right about that DM thing. I thought I was in a small enough instance to get a direct response that would be useful to future users who wanted to move over. It seems I have misjudged that.

              I didn’t mind a bit of discussion and question answering, but to be frank being thrown red-herrings and called a troll was definitely not my goal.

  • @ImFresh3x@sh.itjust.works
    151 year ago

    I don’t know if they should or shouldn’t be defederated. I will say they openly brigade. That is just my personal observation, and you shouldn’t trust a random comment without data to back it up. But maybe keep an eye out and you’ll see it.

    • @imaqtpie@sh.itjust.worksM
      71 year ago

      FWIW, my original response here was 7/0 upvoted and then I checked a few minutes later and it was at 11/6. Certainly an unusual upvote pattern.

      • @ImFresh3x@sh.itjust.works
        1 year ago

        Yep. I’m thats usually how it goes. Once of of them makes a comment or posts about a comment they don’t like they show up. And then the downvotes begin. They are openly narrative driven, and the way they “discuss” things comes off as digital warrior-esque. They’re here to for the showdown of their lives.

        I actually wouldn’t mind their odd positions if they weren’t so hyper aggressive and unwilling to discuss facts. I’ve been banned from threads over there for pointing out that while I see their frustrations with western interventionism, it’s odd how they don’t seem to mind BRICs members also intervening in conflicts worldwide.

        • @imaqtpie@sh.itjust.worksM
          31 year ago

          Yeah, its not their political positions, it’s their behavior. I have absolutely no problem debating the merits of communism and capitalism. But they don’t necessarily seem interested in debate, or really objectivity in general.

  • @sudo@lemmy.fmhy.ml
    131 year ago

    “I want someone else to pay for hosting and maintaining an instance for me, to admin it and moderate its communities, but when they make a choice I disagree with that’s not okay.”

    Well, good thing there’s a way for you to stand up your own instance that you can federate or defederate whatever instances you want.

    • @Nahvi@sh.itjust.worksOP
      181 year ago

      Thank you for literally putting words in my mouth, quotation marks and all.

      If you had bothered to spend one minute reading the post, that I literally spend thirty minutes typing up, you would have noticed that the first sentence was to express appreciation for the time and money @TheDude on creating and maintaining this instance. At no point did I say he was wrong or even that I disagreed with his choice. I just asked for clarification on the matter.

    • @MomoTimeToDie@sh.itjust.works
      01 year ago

      I assume you raise the same concerns under each and every post calling for further defederation from instances since they aren’t being posted by the person/people in charge of hosting?

  • @mrpants@sh.itjust.works
    131 year ago

    If you or anyone else doesn’t like an instance then leave. Go find another one. No one needs to be holding your hand as you ask a million questions to evaluate if an instance is “right for you” or some other such nonsense.

    • @Nahvi@sh.itjust.worksOP
      61 year ago

      If you prefer to remain ignorant until you accidentally stumble across the truth then that is your problem.