Hey all! I do miss an active Seahawks community after so many years on Reddit, I was curious how many people subscribed here are active? I might even be willing to make occasional posts with effort if we can get discussions going. Since I should probably include an actual question for people to answer, what is your first Seahawks memory and/or how long have you been a fan? My first would have to be going to a Hawks/Rams game in the Kingdome with my grandfather. I was about 7 at the time although my favorite parts were probably the crackerjacks and getting to use his binoculars.

  • Che Banana@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    Actually had a small group on FB that was the only reason I kept that platform…but since thwy all went one way or another I dropped it. Never got into the Reddit one. Ill be here when i can remember, its more difficult since i live about y time zones away now lol

    Fan since wayyyyyyyy back in the day, '77ish. My dad took me to my first game in the old kingdome against the Redskins…the ticket had thier logo & them with top billing & our name waaay at the bottom…flash forward a few years we moved back to Seattle for a time and took my son to his first NFL game there against…the Redskins. We lost both games. Tradition.