• answersplease77@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    No one is fine with Hamas causing the death of 1200 Israelis, and everyone called them terrorist organization that chose violence instead of diplomacy after being hopelessly seized for decades in an open-air prison. Similarly, Israel killed 13000+ which were mostly civilians including 5000+ children. How do you not understand that killing civilians is terrorism just like Hamas did? How do you not understand Israel kills more than 10 for every 1 Israeli killed? How do you not understand those humans have been living under oppressive occupying apartheid regime which generated those groups that chose violence? while Israel is the legitimized government supported by the world strongest countries which commits war crimes? On every type and magnitude of comparison, the IDF and Israel genocidal right wing government has committed more war crimes and are more evil than Hamas. The only solution is be a rational human and admit that they both should go. There will be no justice and Israel will still remain an oppressive occupying apartheid if Hamas disappeared and Israel government stayed the same.

    • Rakonat@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      The death toll is tragic but the primary difference is that Hamas intentionally puts people in harms way, whether it actively taking human shields or passively by ensuring they operate in densely populated areas so any retaliation against them will have collateral damage. Palestinians know how Hamas operates, but do nothing about it and often give up some measure of support.

      IDF’s campaign has been reckless but they can at least put for evidence they were targeting Hamas assets. Hamas on the other hand specifically targets civilians because they want a high death count, they don’t care if they actually inflict damage to the IDF because their entire goal is try to create enough civil unrest that every palestinian will take up arms and riot until Israel ceases to exist. If Hamas actually cared about the Palestinian people, they wouldn’t operate the way they would, they would not have used child labor to build their tunnels, and they would not be using human shields and otherwise encouraging palestinians noncombatants to gather in areas they operate.

      If there was no Hamas, or at least a Hamas that gave a shit about the people they supposedly represent, the death toll of this conflict would be a small faction of what it is. And Israel doesn’t have the luxury of ignoring Hamas targets that intentionally surround themselves with noncombatants, because the next week 10 more just like it will pop up and cause even more death and destruction. And all the violence Hamas causes makes it harder for the international community to do anything to demilitarize Israel because the right to self defense. All Hamas has to do is toss away their weapons and blend back into the community or return to their homelands, as much like the insurgency in Iraq and Afghanistan, much of their membership comes from other territories in the middle east with very few actually native Palestinians. Compare to Israel, who any attempt at disarmament would be taken advantage of by Hamas to carry out their very vocal desire to genocide all of Israel.

      So your suggestion is that Israel should just roll over and die, or 100% of their population emigrate somewhere else? Who would take them? Where would they go? They have no other options save fight for their right to exist.

      • answersplease77@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        Show this comment to your IDF supervisor so he knows you’re working well spreading debunked bullshit. I can literally disaprove every line you used in your arguments from using civilians as shields, to Israel targeting Hamas yet over %70 of deaths were women and children, to the lies of palestinians rejecting to have their own state, to if Hamas was gone there will be peace but Israel would still remain an ethnix xlensing aprthied,…, to their end goal of killing every jew while Israel is the one with that exact propaganda and is the one actually doing it… I don’t have time. You want to be a genocidal nazi at least just admit it so we know how to talk with you but I cannot argue when you bring me lies and bullshit about how good people these occupying aparthied children-killer IDF are. The facts show that the IDF are genocidal terrorists worse than Hamas and only evil Arab dictatorships are siding with them.

        Everyone is asking for less bloodshed and no more killing civilians. Israel killed more civilians in this last war than Russia and Ukraine war. They dropped more bombs than the US did on Afganistan and Iraq. You have 1% accuracy killing 100 civilians every time you kill 1 Hamas member. What right to defend is that? Get off your airplanes and fight them man to man on the ground you child-murdering genocidal cowards. And what type of war does a nation have where on the first day they can cut fuel, water, elctricity and food from the people they’re fighting and they call this war? Right to exist doesn’t mean occupying illegal lands, killing and ethnic clensing people of where in the country before you. Israel government are gusting inhumane terrorirsts.